E0219 14:48:41.035162 31112 io.cpp:86]Could not open or find file /home/wangxiao/Downloads/caffe-master/fine_tuning_data/PETA_dataset/train/resized_data/0 F0219 14:48:41.035338 31112 image_data_layer.cpp:183]Check failed: cv_img.data Could not load 0 *** Check failure stack trace: ...
Not able to open open a few psds, getting this error Could not open “RAM5DC_LH_edit.psd” because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finde...
Error: Could not open the image: ../samples/sample1.jpg Hi, It should not be related to the HAAR face detector, as it is not used by default. As video processing is working, I'm wondering if you are missing certain libraries in OpenCV for decoding images, as OpenCV is used to open...
Thanks for your response - unfortunately that did not work. Other fixes I have tried, deleting CT font cache, deleted temp files (including recycle bin) Disabled adobe fonts Fresh Photoshop install I can't seem to fix this issue or at least find a workaround Votes Upvote Translate Tra...
一次蹊跷的报错imagettftext(): Could not find/open font 这是一次在使用TP6生成验证码的时候产生的错误; image.png 网上查资料,全部都是 image.png 但是我的是默认配置,debug源码,字体路径是对的; 于是思考了一下,我的项目路径中文名字; 于是改成英文试试; image.png 改完之后果然成功了!
Powering on a virtual machine (VM) fails with the message "Error: Can't open 'vmfs/volumes/<vm file path>.vmdk': Could not find the file" Environment VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x VMware vCenter Server 7.x ...
scrcpy启动几秒后,闪退,并且提示: ERROR:Couldnotopen audio device: WASAPI can't find requested audio endpoint: Element not found.ERROR:Demuxererror 解决办法: 增加参数: scrcpy.exe --render-driver=software --no-audio 或者 --no-audio-playback ...
Error: "[Filename].psd could not be opened" occurs opening images in Photoshop | macOS Error Invalid JPEG Marker displays opening images Determine the file type of a document Troubleshoot crash or freeze | Photoshop Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy ...
Can't open LR edit in PS due to error..."Could not open because there isn't enough room to display the document"...This is annoying and I can't find an answer...I've attached a screen shot. TOPICS Windows Screenshot 2023-03-...
执行java报cloud not open java could not find or load main class,javac学习-“Error:CouldnotfindorloadmainclassMain”一、上报错代码packagehello;publicclassHelloWorld{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){System.out.println("HelloWorld");}}编