Warning TensorRT not found and could not open file to read NUMA node. Steps to reproduce on Windows11 WSL 2 Ubuntu: Install NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit for WSL as specified here https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/wsl-user-guide/index.html Create venv and activate it pip install tensorRT pip install tf...
You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed. 6.1.50_Ubuntur161033 Reason: Fix:Read the docs for resolution Doc:https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/reference/drivers/virtualbox/ Version:} I0918 16:45:12.041707 22675 global.go:133] vmware default: false priority: 5, sta...
utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT 2024-05-02 15:35:08.153905: I external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_executor.cc:984] could not open file to read NUMA node: /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/numa_node Your kernel may have been built without NUMA ...
Same happens for Ubuntu WSL 2 after following https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/wsl-user-guide/index.html#installing-wsl2 and not using docker. TF 2.4.0.rc3 >>> import tensorflow_text as text 2020-11-26 14:56:59.928177: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:49] Successf...