这个是SQLiteOutOfMemoryException 异常 打开database 失败造成的 看到这个失败我的第一想法是打开db 失败 后来结合使用和代码分析 发现具体错误还是 OutOfMemory 是由open database 造成的 oom 先说一下无法打开database 主要是两个方面 一个是db不存在 一个是没有权限 首先检查db不存在的问题 检查DB_PATH = "/...
出现上述Bug,需要你DeBug调试db = dbHelp.getWritableDatabase(p);进入SQLite内部方法,如果返回的是db=null,Sucess=false,那么请添加数据的读写权限再试一次。 如果出现大面积:Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase.beginTransaction()' on a null object reference. 或者: ja...
Office 2010 Pro. An (now ex) employee created a worksheet in Excel with an embedded Access database in it. This worksheet refreshes on all the older, Windows 7 machines, but not on this new one. We get this error "The query did not run , or the database table could not be open...
"The query did not run, or the database table could not be opened. Check the database server or contact your database administrator. Make sure the external database is available and hasn't been moved or reorganised, then try the operation...
12:35:07 [ERR][ WBContext]: Your connection attempt failed for user 'root' from your host to server at Could not open database Please: 1 Check that mysql is running on server 2 Check that mysql is running on port 3306 (note: 3306 is the default, but thi...
解决Kloxo出现Could not open database connection问题 当我们在使用或者运行kloxo面板的时候,可能会出现类似"Could not open database connection"错误提示,对于新手朋友来说肯定本身安装面板管理VPS就想让事情简单一点。如果再出现这样的问题,势必会使得我们更加不知道如何处理。如果是主机产品还可以找主机商或者主机面板,...
06-14 07:10:27.257: E/SQLiteLog(1316): (14) os_unix.c:30176: (13) open(/data/data/com.example.login/files/test.db) - 06-14 07:10:27.367: E/SQLiteDatabase(1316):Failed to open database '/data/data/com.example.login/files/test.db'. ...
Description:After several successfuly times of connecting to my database, after reboot, I've got an error: << Cannot connect to Database Server Your connection attempt failed for user '<user>' from your host to server at <host>:3306: Could not open database >> I checked all listed rea...
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error(Sqlite code 14): Could not open database,(OS error - 13:Permission denied) at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeOpen(Native Method) at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.open(SQLiteConnection.java:209) ...
Could not open database Please: 1 Check that mysql is running on server 2 Check that mysql is running on port 3306 (note: 3306 is the default, but this can be changed) 3 Check the brianp has rights to connect to from your address (mysql rights define what clients...