"could not locate a valid checkpoint record" 是一个常见的数据库错误,特别是在 PostgreSQL 和其他类似的数据库系统中。这个错误通常发生在数据库启动过程中,当系统无法从控制文件或事务日志中找到有效的检查点记录时。以下是对这个问题的详细分析、可能的原因以及解决方法的分点回答: 一、问题背景 这个错误通常出现...
docker 运行postgresql(9.5)出现 could not locate a valid checkpoint record,解决办法: 原因是日志文件对不上(我也不知道对不上是什么意思) PGSQL invalid primary checkpoint record could not locate a valid checkpoint record 在终端运行以下命令: docker run -it -v/root/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/datapo...
3.执行修复命令:/usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_resetwal-f/var/lib/pgsql/11/data PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record - 系统运维 - 亿速云 (yisu.com)
重新启动时,我的 Postgres 数据库似乎没有正确关闭,当我尝试使用 docker-compose 再次启动它时,以下消息显示在docker logs: // logs PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record LOG: startup process (PID 23) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted LOG: aborting startup due to start...
解决办法: 1. 登录 postgres : docker run -ti postgres /bin/bash【不是docker环境直接跳过此步骤】 2. 切换到 postgres 用户 3. 执行修复命令:/usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_resetwal -f /var/lib/pgsql/11/data 【根据环境和安装方式的不同,可能文件路径不同,具体可以使用locate或find 命令搜索 pg_resetwal】...
PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record 环境zabbix 4.0 + pgpool + postgres 11.0 cluster + Centos 7.5 +Python2.7.5【3.6】 AI代码助手复制代码 引起故障的原因,PG Master 磁盘空间150G,由于zabbix监控设备众多(约1000个点,模板监控项也较多),导致数据库的归档文件增长速度非常快,通常五分钟左右...
https://daoyuan.li/docker-postgres-panic-could-not-locate-a-valid-checkpoint-record/ 结果发现是日志对不上了, 恢复一下就行了, 于是使用启动了一个容器,运行 docker run -it -v /root/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres /bin/bash
简介: Harbor断电重启postgres报错 could not locate a valid checkpoint record Harborv2.2.2内置的数据库是postgres9.6.21,服务器突然断电,重启harbor后报错,信息如下 Oct 21 15:07:40 postgresql[46146]: PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record Oct 21 15:07:40 postgresql...
a previous reported issue,#5746 (closed), the issue is around failover. Specifically a node that was previously a primary is unable to rejoin the cluster as a secondary due to what appears to be a corrupted transaction log with the errorPANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record. ...
MessageId: DTS_E_COULD_NOT_DETERMINE_DATASOURCE_DBMSNAME MessageText: Unable to determine the DBMS name and version on "%1!s!". This occurs if the IDBProperties on the connection did not return information needed to verify the DBMS name and ver