svn迁移 Could not find the requested SVN filesystem svn 迁移 拷贝方式,1.介绍迁移方式:1.由于项目工作需要进行svn服务器的迁移,对此简要介绍svn服务器的迁移方案。2.主要迁移方式:svnadmindumpsvnadminhotcopysvnsync3.【svnadmindump】是官方推荐的备份方式。优点
首先ccnet要将版本库中代码,也就是<trunkUrl></trunkUrl>中的代码拷贝到<workingDirectory>C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\StartKit\WorkingDirectory</workingDirectory>中,要编译的项目即<projectFile>StartKit.sln</projectFile> 所以目前一定要保证在代码库拷贝...
而SVN SERVER开启后,就报这个错误提示。 解决方法: 1.首先进入目录D:\SVN_Repositories\productmodule\db(D:\SVN_Repositories\是我的SVN SERVER安装目录,productmodule\db位于我出问题的那个Repositories文件夹中) 2.然后在进入db中的revprops文件夹(这是记录版本号的文件夹),看看最后一个版本是不是空白的,或不完...
在apache的源代码中搜索这个错误提示字符串"Could not open the requested SVN filesystem",可以找到该提示位于httpd-2.4.2\modules\dav\main\mod_dav.c文件的dav_get_resource函数中,在该函数打断点,在错误提示的上一样单步步入 /* resolve the resource */ ...
1、把访问url中最后的"/mjAct"去掉试试 2、如果还不行,可能你的user.auth、access.auth文件格式不对。用svn协议、http协议这两种不同协议访问版本库的时候,所需要的用户密码文件、权限文件格式是不同的,你的user.auth应该是用htpasswd生成的才对 ...
"Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running" when calling a script with Import-module AD "Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this...
The only problem was, the truly ancient VB6 repository would load fine, but the "current" C# one failed when trying to access it: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem I then had a rather frustrating session trying assorted fruitless attempts to get the repository accessible, copying it...
"Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running" when calling a script with Import-module AD "Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of ...
Apache + SVN: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem 原因是由于文件夹的权限问题,需要保证仓库的父目录具有711的权限