2. chmod a+x scala,使此脚本具有执行权限。 3.安装完Play2后,因为路径原因会出现“Could not find configuration file ../framework/sbt/sbt.boot.properties”的问题,此时更改两个文件: $PLAY_HOME\framework\build:将-Dsbt.boot.properties=`dirname $0`/sbt/sbt.boot.properties改成-Dsbt.boot.properties=...
ROS开发过程中遇到:Could not find a package configuration file provided by "qt_build" with any of the following names: qt_buildConfig.cmake qt_build-config.cmake... 最近在搭建QT开发ROS 界面的环境,遇到了很多问题,参考了很多资料,最后发现有些问题其实没有那么复杂,只是我们对整体环境还不了解,熟悉了...
By not providing "FindInferenceEngine.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "InferenceEngine", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "InferenceEngine" (requested version 2.0) with...
npx nest start ./apps/api: Could not find TypeScript configuration file "tsconfig.build.json". Please, ensure that you are running this command in the appropriate directory (inside Nest workspace). When I want to start Nest application; I have an Angular/Nest Monorepo Current Behavior Throw ...
1> [CMake] Could not find a configuration file for package 1> [CMake] "boost_stacktrace_backtrace" that exactly matches requested version 1> [CMake] "1.85.0". Additional context apparently during vcpkg/boost upgrade it couldn't detect available backtrace library in the system for some reason...
Could not find a package configuration file provided by “OpenCV“ with any of the following names 如下图所示: 原因 我这里使用的是安装ROS时自带的Opencv,报这个错是find_package(Opencv)因为没有找到Opencv。 find_package(LAPACK REQUIRED) 解决办法 直接找到其头文件和库文件所在文件夹,直接进行路径赋值,...
By not providing "FindOpenCV.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project hasasked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCV", butCMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCV" with anyof the following names:...
解决“Could not find a package configuration file provided by Python2 with any o”问题 引言 对于刚入行的开发者来说,遇到问题是很正常的事情。在开发过程中,有时我们可能会遇到一些错误提示,如“Could not find a package configuration file provided by Python2 with any o”这样的错误。这篇文章将帮助你...
notfindapackageconfigurationfileprovidedby"geographic_msgs" with any of the...] Ros_PX4_Mavros从零入门--哪些坑 本帖最后由 chasing 于 2020-5-113:40 编辑 写在前面的话:一定要确保mavros安装成功。我在安装mavros的时候采用的是官网默认的安装
编译时出现错误 Could not find the required component 'manipulation_msgs'. The following CMake error indicat 就会出现上图第一种情况,无法定位软件包sudoapt-getinstallros-kinetic-manipulation-msgs如果装的是indigo 版本的ros, 则是sudoapt-getinstallros-indigo-manipulation-msgs如果还有其他错误继续下载安装即可...