下载了ANDROID3的SDK(revision 10)的,但是使用的ADT是0.9.6那个版本的,结果在ECLIPSE中使用“Android SDK and AVD Manager”的时候,产生了如下的错误:“Could not find SDK_Root\tools\adb.exe”。因为新版本的ANDROID的 adb.exe 是存在于“platform-tools”文件夹下面的,而非以前的“tools”文件夹。 谷歌了一...
Could not find SDK "Microsoft.VCLibs, Version=14.0" vs2015打开原来写好的uwp项目时,突然出现, 解决方案是增加对 的引用
意思是 一个文件夹被移动到其他地方 现在要加载这个文件夹 找不到了。SDK Location目录改成e:\andorid
This error occurs when MSBuild can't find the SDK referenced in the project file. MSBuild relies on user-extensible SDK resolvers to find SDKs. You get this error when a configured resolver could not find the requested SDK.Check the project file and locate the root Project element, and ...
Could not find folder 'tools' inside SDK 设置Android SDK环境变量 配置android SDK的环境变量 (1)右击“我的电脑”,选择“属性”打开。 (2)点击“高级系统设置”。 (3)在“系统属性”窗口中,选择“高级”属性页中的“环境变量”按钮。 (4)在“环境变量”窗口中,选择“系统变量”中变量名为“Path”的环境...
Describe the bug i cloned the project from winui3 branch and when trying to build, i got Could not find SDK "Microsoft.UniversalCRT.Debug, Version=10.0.18362.0" Steps to reproduce the bug Steps to reproduce the behavior: Go to '...' Clic...
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project myproject: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.example:myproject:jar:1.0.0: Could not find artifact com.alibaba:dingtalk-sdk-java:jar:1.0.0 -> [Help 1] 1. 这个错误提示说明 Maven 找不到名为 “dingtalk-sdk-java”、版本号为 “1.0.0”...
Error MSB8036: could not find Windows SDK version 8.1 0 Apr 11, 2017 3:17 PM Feedback BotUnder InvestigationApr 11, 2017 3:17 PM dy dx yang same issue, and can’t redefine solution target,in chinese "重定解决方案目标“,no such option in right click menu of solution. some many ...
打开adt-bundle-windows-x86目录下的SDK Manager下载并安装任意版本的SDK就OK了.注意到对话框最上方的提示是"Value must be an existing directory"建议检查下SDK的路径是否正确,最好不要包含中文字符,
突然这个库就报错了。 需要改成以下地址即可:1、打开项目根目录的gradle.build,在buildscrip>repositories的方法下面添加maven库的路径引用...