关于“ansible could not find or access”这一错误,这通常表明Ansible在尝试访问某个文件或目录时遇到了问题。以下是一些可能的原因及相应的解决步骤,帮助你定位和解决问题: 确认Ansible是否已正确安装并配置 检查Ansible是否已安装: bash ansible --version 如果未安装,按照官方文档进行安装:Ansible 安装指南 检查...
ansible使用copy模块Could not find or access ansible的copy,一、ansible简介ansible是新出现的自动化运维工具,基于Python开发,分布式,无需客户端,轻量级,实现了批量系统配置、批量程序部署、批量运行命令等功能,ansible是基于模块工作的,本身没有批量部署的能力。真
Summary I use win_copy to copy programs to the windows server, but it gives an error: could not find or access /home/u/Packages/ The sequence of actions: synchronize. Copy from a trusted remote server to a local AWX server: - name: Sync ...
"msg": "Could not find or access '/etc/ansible/bin/cfssl-certinfo' on the Ansible Controller.\nIf you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option"}
fatal: \[localhost\]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Could not find imported module support code for ansible\_collections.community.kubevirt.plugins.modules.kubevirt\_vm.
For more details, see ansible-lint-action. Communication Refer to the Talk to us section of the Contributing guide to find out how to get in touch with us. You can also find more information in the Ansible communication guide. Contributing Please read Contribution guidelines if you wish to co...
Issue Running Ansible jobs on content hosts registered with Red Hat Satellite 6 via remote execution with privilege escalation method set todzdofails with below error. Raw fatal: [client]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Invalid become method specified, could not find matching plugin: 'dzdo'. Use `ans...
1.git@github.com:rahulwagh/jhooq.git -If you are usingSSHway of cloning the repository then you will not face issue related to personal access token. Because when you useSSHway of clonning then you should alwayscreate SSH Keys and copy public SSH key to GitHub SSH and GPG keys ...
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 通过pip install ansible命令,在windows 10 上安装ansible时,报如上错误,该错误原因是因为Windows 10 限制了文件路径最长字符为260个字符,需要通过注册表修改: 1.打开注册表: 2. 按以下路径找到FileSystem...
failed: [] (item=cfssl) => {"changed": false, "item": "cfssl", "msg": "Could not find or access '/etc/ansible/bin/cfssl' on the Ansible Controller.\nIf you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option"} ...