1. 检查MYSQL是否安装 首先,你需要确保你的计算机上已经安装了MYSQL数据库。你可以通过在命令行中输入以下命令来检查MYSQL是否已经安装: mysql--version 1. 如果你能够看到安装的MYSQL版本号,那么MYSQL已经安装成功。 2. 检查MYSQL的环境变量 如果你已经安装了MYSQL但是仍然收到“could not find the MYSQL”错误消息,...
输入命令sudo apt-get purge mysql-server并执行。这将卸载MySQL服务。 输入命令sudo apt-get install mysql-server并执行。这将重新安装MySQL服务。 现在,你已经了解了解决“could not find mysql service”问题的整个流程。通过逐步检查和操作,你应该能够解决这个问题。 [饼状图:MySQL服务问题分布] [结束语] 在开...
ubuntu下安装mysql出现FATAL ERROR: Could not find mysqld的处理 错误信息: #./bin/mysql_install_db –user=mysql FATAL ERROR:Could not find mysqld The following directories were searched: /usr/libexec /usr/sbin /usr/bin If you compiled from source, you need to run ‘make install’to copy t...
scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql I get this error: BEGIN QUOTE FATAL ERROR: Could not find mysqld The following directories were searched: /usr/libexec /usr/sbin /usr/bin If you compiled from source, you need to run 'make install' to ...
In my computer I install mysql8.0 from source code, and has set MYSQL_ROOT_DIR, but still does't work. I have notice that in FindMySQL.cmake file, poco find mysql as mysql/mysql.h after poco-1.10.1, but in mysql8.0 mysql.h installed in “inlcude” dircetory, which means we could...
安 装或者重新mysql-5.1.30时mysql_install_db出现FATAL ERROR: Could not find mysqld错误解决,上网搜寻了结果很多,却没有找到解决答案,最后发现安装时/etc/mysql文件夹下有个配置文件my.cnf,而我在安装时运 行了cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf,照成这个 ...
Mysql 错误解决“Could not find ./bin/my_print_defaults” 运行下面这条语句就可以搞定了。 sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data & 最新文章 阅读排行 文章分类 原文链接:http://www.gowhich.com/blog/566...
在某些系统环境下,MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR 包括多个目录,编译时会报错。 如我在 cygwin 下报错如下: CMake Error at cmake/FindMySQL.cmake:512 (message): Could not find "mysql.h" in "/usr/include/mysql;/usr/include/mysql/mysql" found from running "/usr/bin/mysql_c
使用命令 systemctl enable mysql 查看其mysql的状态 使用命令 service mysql status 2.2 安装了mysql 如果安装了mysql之后还出现这个bug 在命令行中输入 find / -name mysqld或者find / -name mysql 找到mysql的服务路径 将其服务复制到init.d的文件下
While running the mysql-test-run.pl script, I am getting the below error: mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: Could not find 'mysqld' in scanned directories There were no spaces in the path to mysql-test folder. I have connected to my server instance using workbench tool. 'mysqld' is not ...