针对你遇到的问题“could not find mpi (missing: mpi_c_found mpi_cxx_found)”,这通常表明CMake在配置项目时未能正确找到MPI库。以下是一些解决步骤,帮助你定位和解决问题: 确认系统中是否已安装MPI库: 首先,你需要确认你的系统上是否已经安装了MPI库。常见的MPI实现有OpenMPI和MPICH。你可以通过包管理器(如...
-- Could NOT find MPI_CXX (missing: MPI_CXX_WORKS) and when I try to install in base enviroment, it seems different : -- Using command /home/xcc/anaconda3/bin/python -- Found MPI_CXX: /usr/local/lib/libmpi.so (found version "3.1") -- Found MPI: TRUE (found version "3.1") -...
Reproduced Steps Hi I don't know why this is not installingI just created a container using docker and proceeded to install itI noticed that the MPI was in'/opt/hpcx/ompi'so, i add this in $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATHbut, fail..$ cmake -DSM=70 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_PY...
ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license ../make.inc:16: recipe for target 'parallel_include.o' failed make[1]: *** [parallel_include.o] Error 1 make[1]: 离开目录“/home/tust212/qe-7.3/UtilXlib” Makefile:209: recipe for target 'libutil' failed...
I''The specified module could not be... Learn more about 0x0000007e, matlab, matlab compiler, com
2022-09-16 05:40:58,393 - mmdeploy - WARNING - Can not find torch._C._jit_pass_onnx_deduplicate_initializers, function rewrite will not be applied /home/nvidia/mmdeploy/mmdeploy/core/optimizers/function_marker.py:158: TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python integer might...
error: could not find git for clone of Libxc Call Stack (most recent callfirst):/opt/cmake-3...
$ mpiicc No command 'mpiicc' found, did you mean: Command 'mpicc' from package 'libmpich-dev' (universe) Command 'mpicc' from package 'libopenmpi-dev' (universe) Command 'mpicc' from package 'lam4-dev' (universe) mpiicc: command not found $ sudo find / -name "mpiicc" # NO...
在旧的Macbook上,忽然发现无法开启MPI编译程序,运行CMake时会报如下错误: --CouldNOT find MPI_C(missing:MPI_C_WORKS)--CouldNOT find MPI_CXX(missing:MPI_CXX_WORKS)CMakeErrorat/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.27.9/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230(message):CouldNOT find MPI...
I''The specified module could not be... Learn more about 0x0000007e, matlab, matlab compiler, com