1.提示错误 Could not find method testCompile() for arguments [{group=junit, name=junit, version=5.8}] 提示用命令行试试; 很可能是 Gradle 和 OpenJDK 16 的兼容性问题。如果您从 IntelliJ 之外的命令行构建项目,请检查问题是否重现 2.提示版本不对 General error during semantic analysis: Unsupported c...
在Java项目中,如果你在使用构建工具(如Gradle或Maven)时遇到了’Could not find method compile() for arguments’的错误,可能是由于以下原因:不正确的构建脚本:确保你的构建脚本(如build.gradle或pom.xml)中的配置是正确的。特别是与编译相关的部分,如compile或implementation。 依赖问题:可能是由于缺少某些依赖或版本...
针对你遇到的问题“could not find method compile() for arguments [org.apache.logging.log4j]”,以下是一些可能的原因和解决方案: 可能的原因 Gradle版本问题: 从Gradle 7.0开始,compile方法已经被废弃,并被implementation方法所取代。如果你的项目使用的是Gradle 7.0或更高版本,而build.gradle文件中仍然使用了compi...
I now ge the error: Could not find method testCompile() for arguments [{group=junit, name=junit, version=4.12}] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler. Gradle is sat to use Java openjdk 16.How do I resolve this error?Votes...
If you receive the error "Could not find or load main class" in IntelliJ IDEA, it means that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot find the class with the main method that you are trying to run. There are several possible reasons for this error: The class name is spelled incorrectly: ...
This tutorial will show how to quickly fix the Intellij error: Could not find or load main class when running the main method of a class.
解决Android Could not find method ndk 问题 当我们植入jniLib目录时,我们需要在app的build.gradle下配置ndk 但是编译出现了错误: 编译报错截图: 即没有找到ndk(); 那么你需要注意你的代码是否写对位置: 因为我把ndk方法写在了android方法下才导致报错 代码如下: 解决方法: 需要把 ndk 放在defaultConfig 方法下:...
[技术杂谈] idea2021启动失败 Could not find main class com/intellij/idea/Main 楼主 发表于 2023-04-18 04:39:36 | 查看: 3558| 回复: 0 idea2021启动失败 Could not find main class com/intellij/idea/Main 环境信息:idea2021.1.1(注:如果是其它版本的idea,也可能会出现这个问题)...
Hello, I want to run it on intellij idea but could not find the psvm. Could you please help me to run your project on intellij idea or any other IDE. Thanks in Advance.
Could not find method coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled ForAndroid Studio 3.6.3, make sure Android Gradle Plugin Version:4.0.0-beta04 Gradle Version:6.1.1 NOTE:Check gradle version atAndroid Studio -> File -> Project Structure -> Project Android Gradle Plugin Version: top level / projectbuild.gradle...