Could not find library '<libraryname>' Could not find standard library: '<filename>' 'Currency' is no longer a supported type; use the 'Decimal' type instead 'Custom Event' must end with a matching 'End Event' 'Custom' modifier can only be used immediately before an 'Event' declaration...
We didn't find `avformat_open_input` in the libraries.We lookforit only as a sanity check tomakesure the build process is working as expected. It is not, so we must abort. Please open a ticket at the folowing information: PyAV:0.3.3Python...
looking for PyAV.struct_should_not_exist... missing looking for AVFrame.mb_type... missing We didn't find `avformat_open_input` in the libraries. We look for it only as a sanity check to make sure the build process is working as expected. It is not, so we must abort. Please open...
求助安装arduin..原文显示是Could not install Arduino_BuiltIn library: Error: Could not find library这是原文,楼上的不小心被图片隔开了Could not install Arduino_BuiltIn library: Error: Could not find library
Could not find library '<libraryname>'Article 09/15/2021 10 contributors Feedback In this article To correct this error See also The specified library could not be found.This problem may occur when compiling from the command prompt and using a response (.rsp) file that references many ...
cmake编译报错:Could NOT find PythonLibs (missing: PYTHON_LIBRARIES PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS) 如果不知道具体的位置,可以这么写 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python3-c"from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc; print(get_python_inc())")\-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$(python3-c"import distutils.sysconfig as ...
Linux系统安装shapely报错:OSError: Could not find library geos_c or load any of its variants ['', '']解决办法 Ubuntu系统执行: sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev CentOS系统执行: sudo yum install geos-devel ...
在编译hdf5库时出现Cmake Could NOT find ZLIB (missing ZLIB_LIBRARY ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR)的错误,下面介绍一下解决办法。工具/原料 CMake 方法/步骤 1 错误如下图:2 这时需要添加两个Cmake变量:ZLIB_LIBRARY和ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR,首先单击CMake的Add Entry按钮,如下图:3 添加ZLIB_LIBRARY变量,如下图:4 ...
#在CMakeLists.txt文件中查找是否包含mysql相关库find_library(MYSQL_LIBRARY mysqlclient) 1. 2. 检查mysql库是否已安装: #检查mysql库是否已安装sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev 1. 2. 设置mysql库路径: #设置mysql库路径include_directories(/usr/include/mysql) ...