解决方法(ejs的options中传入filename): varpath="/src/demo1.ejs";varrenderData=this.$ejs.render(this.$fs.readFileSync(path,"utf-8"),{filename:path,}); -include("./demo2.ejs")%>
Could not find include file "MemMap.h" If you use variables or functions declared in the missing include file, you can also see errors later. Possible Solutions If you want to expand the search path for include files, explicitly add new folders. In the Polyspace user interface, use the fie...
include: could not find: "C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\t-TH3KzB\0-messages.nsh" !include: could not open file: "C:\ztg\projects\electron-vite-vue-ts\node_modules\.pnpm\app-builder-l ib@24.13.3_dmg-builder@24.13.3_electron-builder-squirrel-windows@24.13.3_dmg-bui_lrspnoputfiosa...
include could not find load file: /home/.../esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake/project.cmake -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/.../esp-idf/hello_world/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". The terminal process "/bin/bash '-c', 'cmake -G Ninja ..'" terminated with ...
name(s) "libmysql" CMake Error at FindMySQL.cmake:578 (include): include could not find load file: E:/Distr/SQL servers/mysql-connector-c++-1.1.6/cmake/mysql_version_info.cmake Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:217 (INCLUDE) MySQL client environment/cmake variables ...
1. Include could not find load file: XXX XXX.cmake 文件需在 CMAKE_MODULE_PATH里, 既 list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${the path of XXX.cmake}") 。 2. No such file or directory: #include <XXX.h> XXX.h文件如果是在本工程里, 路径需要被添加到include_directories()里, ...
Version: 19.56.2 Target: win10 64 When I run npm run dev my app works fine. OKAY take it away `electron-builder` • electron-builder version=19.56.2 • loaded configuration file=package.json ("build" field) • no native production dependenc...
include could not find load file: /cmake/mcuboot.cmake -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/triffid/Projects/NRF/NRF91-SDK/sdk-nrf/samples/nrf9160/mqtt_simple/build/spm/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/triffid/Projects/NRF/NRF91-SDK/sdk...
In my computer I install mysql8.0 from source code, and has set MYSQL_ROOT_DIR, but still does't work. I have notice that in FindMySQL.cmake file, poco find mysql as mysql/mysql.h after poco-1.10.1, but in mysql8.0 mysql.h installed in “...