Structure 二 配置打包jar 上图,需要注意 1 选择要打包的模块 2 选择你的Main类 3 选择 Copy... 4 这里到src目录就好,别到java/main。这样会报错。 三 开始打包PS:如果报错Failed to executegoalorg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin那么项目右键maven Cannot...
1“Error: Could not find or load main class CLASS xxxx” 异常的排查步骤 Step1 确保JDK/JRE及相关环境变量配置有效 配置Java 环境变量的步骤: >vi /etc/profileJAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_231 JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_151/jre#CLASS_PATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib...
I'm in this part of the project ( to try and find the solution but I can't just launch the application anymore. either of them (ui or resources). It looks like by the stack that my redis server i...
Felix elaborated: “Well, it's not like I have any options as a Hartz-4 person except to go to the employment office and see what they can find for me and take some measures or something.” This perceived higher level of social exclusion also leads to a perception that welfare ...
I could find some files that have a javax.sql.DataSource object. But still can't find where the database connection data is being passed to them. Jf Okeeffe Ranch Hand Posts: 89 posted 1 year ago Also could not find any occurence of @PropertySource which could be the place where ...
Copy link to clipboard Copied In Response To Trevor.Dennis Haha! I knew someone was bound to say something suggestive. It's actually a woman dressed in vintage apparel holding a compact mirror. You can find it here on Unspla...
Error while springboot application starts up in azure spring cloud - "could not locate property source and fast fail property is set" . The App is currently running in a VM environment and I am trying to port it to azure spring cloud. I have a
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /Users/christoph/Documents/code/cloudfoundry-client-sample/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ cloudfoundry-client-sample --- ...
因此常常会因为竞争资源在运行时出现死锁等问题, When advancement when dispatch execution, because the advancement is the concurrent execution, they carry out the order not to be indefinite, therefore can frequently because competition resources in movement time has problems and so on deadbolt lock,[...
Sustainable agricultural practices such as cover crops (CCs) and residue retention are increasingly applied to counteract detrimental consequences on natural resources. Since agriculture affects soil properties partly via microbial communities, it i