could not find function "read_excel" 1、问题 2、解决方法 install.packages("readxl") library("readxl") test<- read_excel("cor.xlsx", sheet =1, col_names = T, col_types =NULL) dim(test)
针对你遇到的“could not find function 'read_excel'”的问题,我可以从以下几个方面进行解答: 确认是否已安装并导入相关库: read_excel 函数是 pandas 库中用于读取 Excel 文件的一个非常实用的函数。如果你在使用这个函数时遇到了“找不到函数”的错误,很可能是因为你的环境中没有安装 pandas 库,或者没有正确...
One possible cause of the “could not find function read_excel” error is the absence of the “readxl” package. In R, packages are collections of functions, data, and documentation that extend the functionality of the base R system. If the “readxl” package is not installed, the “read_...
could not find function "read_excel"1、问题 2、解决方法 install.packages("readxl") library("readxl") test <- read_excel("cor.xlsx", sheet = 1, col_names = T, col_types = NULL) dim(test)查看全文 相关阅读:python 之模块random python 迭代器 python 生成器 python 装饰器前之闭包和装饰器...
改为如下试试 string constring=@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="+System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")+";User Id=admin;Password=;";_cn = new OleDbConnection(constring);注意是Data Source不是DataSource ...
Could not find installable ISAM This issue occurs if the workbook was previously opened and refreshed in a newer version of Excel. Cause When an Excel workbook that's linked to an Access database is opened in a later version of Excel, parameters may...
MSAJU200.DLL (file located in Access directory)PDX200.DLL STDOLE.TLB STORAGE.DLL TYPELIB.DLL XBS200.DLL 如果使用 Windows 95, 将以下文件从 \Windows\Sysbckup 文件夹 (隐藏文件夹) 到 \Windows\System 文件夹: COMPOBJ.DLL CTL3D.DLL STDOLE.TLB STORAGE.DLL TYPELIB.DLL d. 启动 ...
Step 2: Find the MS Office, right-click on it to bring up the Change.Step 3: Select Repair, then choose Quick Repair to continue.Part 2: How to Fix Corrupted Excel File that Could Not Open? There are times when you can't open the Excel file because the file is corrupted, at ...
job start :(new MultiExcelImport($this->importLog))->toQueue(Storage::disk('import')->path($this->path)); exception :Import Job Fail {"exception":"Could not find zip member zip://laravel\\storage\\framework\\laravel-excel\\laravel-excel-B70Ke7ENcowNQcULXk6mTOoE6kKVxIFw.xlsx#_rels...