#这一步报错 group_colors <- cell_pal(sce_slingshot2$orig.ident, brewer_pal("qual", "Set2")) Error in brewer_pal("qual", "Set2") : could not find function "brewer_pal" 解决办法:cell_colors <- cell_pal(subset_rnaslot$cell.type, hue_pal())#, brewer_pal("qual", "Set2") ...
Despite what we know about the antioxidant properties, antiviral effect, and pleiotropic function of vitamin C, whether or not there are beneficial pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the response to COVID-19 remain to be elucidated [128]. Given the favorable safety profile of v...
Autonomic dys- function is an important non-motor phenotype of PD, which includes cardiovascular dysregulation, among others. Nowadays, the therapies for PD focus on dopamine (DA) replacement. However, certain non-motor symptoms with a great impact on quality of life do not respond to ...