+ * + * debugs(1,1, MYNAME << "WARNING: some message"); + */ +#ifdef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ +#define MYNAME __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " " +#else +#define MYNAME __FUNCTION__ << " " +#endif + /* some uint8_t do not like streaming control-chars (values 0-31, 127+) *...
gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), parser_pre_recordbin, NULL); if (!gst_element_link_many (tee_pre_decode, parser_pre_recordbin, nvdssrCtx->recordbin, NULL)) { g_print ("Elements not linked. Exiting. \n"); g_main_loop_quit(loop); } gst_element_sync_state_with_parent(par...
I see the error:Poetry could not find a pyproject.toml file in /var/app or its parents When rearranging the below command:poetry install --directory /var/app/x/x/ --no-root --no-ansi --no-cache It does correctly use the poetry lock file inside /var/app/x/x/...
Panel Version 1.7.0 Wings Version 1.6.0 Service ALTV Modified No, I did not modify the egg Expected Behavior Load the JS Module Actual Behavior Server does not Load the JS Module Steps To Reproduce Step 1 install altv Step 2 load the js-...
I have one client (I believe they are hosted on Liquidweb) that I cannot get PHPStorm to conenct to their FTP server. It always fails...
tf.functionraises anOSErrorexception with the message"could not get source code"when I run it in a Python shell. The error does not occur in Jupyter or ipython, and it does not occur when I revert back to TF 1.12.0. Describe the expected behavior ...