如果 筛选出Column.Field.Value为 空值,不能转为 OleStr类型,要用VarToStrDef进行转换。 另外一种解决方法 if not varisnull(Column.Field.Value) then ComboBoxEx1.ItemIndex := ComboBoxEx1.Items.IndexOf(Column.Field.Value); // ComboBoxEx1.ItemIndex := ComboBoxEx1.Items.IndexOf(VarToStrDef(Column....
A step-by-step guide on how to solve the React.js error Could not find a required file. Name: index.html
A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic property a get or set accessor expected A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel format. A new expression requires (), [], or {} after type a reference to '' could not be added. Adding this project...
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time A DataTable named 'tablename' already belongs to this DataSet. A field or property with the name X was not found on the selected data source A from address must be specified error when ...
MessageId: DTS_E_COULDNOTFINDINPUTBUFFERCOLUMNBYLINEAGE MessageText: The %1!s! cannot find the column with LineageID %2!ld! in its input buffer.
Hello- I have spent months creating a file that documents my expereince hours so that I can apply for a board certification. We recently updated...
Could not find type mapping for column 'TEST_TABLE.VAL' with data type 'NUMERIC(16,2)'. Skipping column. As a result, class TestTable in TestTable.cs has no field VAL. What could be the problem? SQL Script: SET SQL DIALECT 3; ...
ReplaceMissingFieldWithNull local logical optimization rule replaces expressions with a NULL Literal when a field is not mapped on local node. This is dangerous because a Literal could not match the type of the expressions that are being replaced (eg. if the command expects a NamedExpression lik...
When I debugged the code using Visual Studio Code, I got an error message saying “Requests can only be made in the LoggedIn state, not the SentLogin7Withfedauth state, which could be a consequence of the first one: Security token could not be authenticated or authorized.” ...