针对您提出的问题“could not find the database of available applications, run update-command-no”,这里有几个关键点需要注意和解答: 1. 确认用户问题背景与上下文 从问题描述来看,用户在使用Linux系统时尝试运行某个命令,但系统提示找不到该命令,并建议运行update-command-not-found来修复。然而,用户提供的命令...
Question: I want to install sudo . So I type in pacman -S sudo . But then I get the following errors: warning: database file for 'extra' does not exist warning: database file for 'community' does not exist error: failed to prepare transaction ( could not find database ) How do I...
Could not find database engine startup handleand some Hex error like'0x851a0019'error could also be'Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed'. ↑Back to top Cause Following can be the reason behind the error message. The account which use...
最近在公司项目中使用exec sp_executesql @sql执行一段文本sql的时候老是报错: Could not find database ID 16, name '16'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again.执行的sql大概如下,注意其中有个额外的参数@databaseName是nvarchar类型,用来声明数据库的名字: SET@tableScript=N'...
qmake -version 提示Could not find command-not-found database. 也就是系统没有识别已经安装的Qt。 根据之前折腾的经验,找到了解决办法: 找到以下文件: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt-default/qtchooser/default.conf 打开,第一行替换为Qt的实际安装路径。
提示:Could not find command-not-found database. Run 'sudo apt update' to populate it. qmake:未找到命令 原因:qt环境变量缺失。 解决办法:修改 /etc/profile这个文件,添加两行: export QTDIR=/home/zhouyingge1104/Qt5.9.9/5.9.9/gcc_64 export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH ...
Hi, Since yesterday, I was trying to install SQL Server 2022 Express edition on my Windows 10 laptop but it is getting failed due to the mentioned error. I tried to uninstall/reinstall, trying the ''troubleshoot errors related to system disk sector size
Error description: Could not find the Database Engine startup handle. Error help link: Feature: SQL Browser Status: Passed Feature: SQL Writer Status: Passed Feature: SQL Client Connectivity Stat...
_curses.error: setupterm: could not find terminfo database Here is the basic code to cause the error: import curses from curses.wrapper import wrapper def main(scr): scr.box() scr.refresh() c = scr.getch() wrapper(main) Any resolution to this problem yet? ...
Seehttps://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/24364.sql-server-troubleshooting-could-not-find-database-engine-startup-handle-error-during-installation.aspxfor details Please sign in to rate this answer. 1 commentShow comments for this answerReport a concern ...