hi guys i want to build own editor of micro:bit via pxt-microbit project and then git clone repro it but ,when i using 'npm install' and to execute 'pxt serve' command , i got the error message as bellow i'm 100% sure that arm-none-eabi-...
针对你遇到的问题“could not find the program ['arm-none-eabi-ar']”,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认'arm-none-eabi-ar'程序是否已安装: 'arm-none-eabi-ar'是ARM GCC工具链中的一个程序,用于创建、修改和提取归档文件(通常是静态库的.a文件)。 首先,你需要确认是否已经安装了ARM GCC工具链...
-- Found assembler: /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -- Cache files will be written to: /home/triffid/.cache/zephyr CMake Error at /home/triffid/Projects/NRF/NRF91-SDK/bootloader/mcuboot/zephyr/CMakeLists.txt:1 (include): include could not find load file: /cmake/mcuboot.c...
ccache: FATAL: Could not find compiler "C:\Nordic\v1.8.0\toolchain\opt\bin\arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe" in PATH I'm faced with a special error: we are not able to install the nRF Connect V1.8.0 using the tools published by Nordic. We use ...
简略描述: 验证nuttx安装完整性 第一步:arm-none-eabi-gcc --version 第二步:sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi 再次编译问题解决 详细描述 笔者用官方ubuntu.sh配置好编译环境后,初次用“make px4_fmu-v2_default”命令编译1.10.1stb版本的PX4固件时遇到如下问题: 说明我...猜...
ccache: FATAL: Could not find compiler "arm-eabi-gcc" in PATH --- solution: [root@localhost cm-13-kiwi]# echo $ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN /opt/android-x86/cm-13-kiwi/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9/bin [root@localhost cm-13-kiwi]# ls x86_64-linux-android-gcc --- [...
Compiler: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND Build flags: Id flags: --target=arm-arm-none-eabi;-mcpu=cortex-m3 Checking whether the ASM compiler is GNU using "--version" did not match "(GNU assembler)|(GCC)|(Free Software Foundation)": Checking whether the ASM compiler is Clang using "--ver...
(x86)\\Nordic Semiconductor\\nrf-command-line-tools\\bin;C:\\Users\\van\\.vscode\\extensions\\metalcode-eu.windows-arm-none-eabi-0.1.6\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\Nordic Semiconductor\\nrf-command-line-tools\\bin\\;C:\\Users\\van\\ncs\\v1.7.1\\toolchain;C:\\Program Files ...
In the real code it does I think. nm does not show the source paths for most symbols. Earlier versions of gcc also don't show all paths for symbols, just as the "fixed" output I posted above. For example with GCC 8 (arm-none-eabi-gcc-8.3.0-190223): ...