但是重启phpstorm后又会正常一段时间,用着用着就突然不能正常上传了。 这里面各种参数也调整过无数次了,始终这样
Failed to transfer file '/Users/Smola/Sites/floppydeuce.blog/wp-content/themes/F2 2011/inc/meta.php': could not create FTP directory "ftp://ftp.floppydeuce.com/wp-content/themes/F22011/inc" I can upload files mapped to the F2 2011 directory but receive the error when uploading to the ...
AMH面板,用FTP传输文件第一遇到传输失败。150 Accepted data connection451 Transfer aborted这个是什么情况已重装操作系统重装amh面板仍然无法解决。debian12系统,无安全组之类防火墙设置阻止21端口什么的,已重装操作系统重装amh面板仍然无法解决。debian12系统,无安全组之类防火墙设置阻止21端口什么的, 1 回答791 阅读 PhpS...
chown nobody -RWPFOLDERNAME 方案3:改用FTP上传 如果这仍然不能解决这个问题,你可以通过编辑 “wp-config.php “文件来配置WordPress使用FTP而不是PHP来上传文件。 编辑wp-config.php文件,在“That’s all… “一行上面插入这段代码。 define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘ftpext’); define(‘FTP_BASE’, ‘/pathtor...
If your site’s permissions settings are causing the “Installation failed: could not create directory error,” you can resolve it by resetting them. To do so, you’ll need to connect to your server viaFile Transfer Protocol (FTP), usingan FTP client. ...
When you’re troubleshooting the ‘Could Not Create Directory’ error, there’s another important factor to keep in mind: file ownership. File ownership settings determine who has control over the files and directories. To make sure Elementor has the right ownership, it’s crucial to check and...
windows10与linux进行ftp遇到550 Failed to change directory及553 Could not creat file,第一个原因:没有权限,可以使用带有l参数的ls命令来看文件或者目录的权限ls-l解决:给本地用户添加一个可写权限chmod+w/home/student##给对应的本地用户添加一个可写的权限第二个原
The problem happens when you try to install an extension or a template from the backend on your Joomla website. Instead of seeing aSuccessmessage, you will see theJFolder::create: Could not create directoryerror message. The aforementioned error message is usually accompanied by theWarning: Fail...
Clear browser cache and try to install a plugin or a theme. Now, the “Installation failed, could not create directory.” error message should not occur again, and you should be able to install plugins and themes going forward. Option 2: Configure FTP Permissions In The “wp-config.php”...
解决1:关闭selinux vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux ##编辑selinux配置文件,在其中把selinux状态改成disabled reboot ##重启系统后就可以成功上传了 解决2: 如果不想关闭selinux服务,可以通过设置bool值打开使用本地用户上传功能的权限 getsebool -a |grep ftp ##在这里查看ftp服务的bool值 ...