使用OpenSSH for Windows 的 ssh 命令时,会提示“Could not create directory '/home/username/.ssh'.”。因为Windows和Linux文件系统不同,所以不存在 /home 的路径。 按照网上提供的方法,修改注册表"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/home"分支下(64位系统应为"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE...
sftp -S /opt/bin/ssh -oPort=<port> -i <private key> <user>@<host>:<remote path>/ <<< $'put hello.txt' Although I have set the environment variable HOME = /tmp, when I execute the above command, it throws this error: Could not create directory '/home/sbx_user1051/.ssh'. Ho...
打开cygwin控制台。输入如下命令:mkdir .ssh 创建一个文件夹试试看!
Remine 3.2 installed and works in Windows Server. On request this error happens: " GithubHook: Executing command: 'git fetch origin'"," GithubHook: Command 'git fetch origin' didn't exit properly. Full output: ["Could not create director...
cygwin Could not create directory '/home/Administrator/.ssh' 解决方案: In addition to answer by diannal, if you don't have apasswdfile underetcfolder in Cygwin root folder, then you can first create one by issuing this command: mkpasswd -l -p "$(cygpath -H)" > /etc/passwd ...
cygwin Could not create directory '/home/Administrator/.ssh' 解决方案: In addition to answer by diannal, if you don't have a passwd file under etc folder in Cygwin root folder, then you can first create one by issuing this command: ...
UBUNTU SSH..这个用户是我建立的hadoop 用户但是不能创建 ssh文件夹 怎么办啊?我自己新建一个.ssh 可是 还不行 权限我都改成777了 崩溃了
今天在使用git时,报了Could not create directory '%USERPROFILE%/.ssh'.percent_expand:unkown key %U错误,经过百度、Google发现如下解答stackOverFlow,瞬间解决了我的问题,写此博客已做记录。 这个主要原因在于环境变量中%HOME%变量发生了变化,可能是安装Cygwin时导致,也可能是根据网上提示git pull和git push的时候...
jekins,报错 stderr: Could not create directory '/usr/share/tomcat7/.ssh'. Failed to add the host to the list of public key是在~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub,而private key是~/.ssh/id_rsa 设置的时候,Jenkins需要的是private key
报错Could not create directory 'C:\\Users\\\345\217\270\350\266\205\351\276\231/.ssh,不能创建.ssh文件夹 不知道是不是 windows中文用户名的问题 PS C:\Users\司超龙\IdeaProjects\vue\base_education_vue\base_education_system-ui-master> ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "2589165806@qq.com" ...