After Effects error: could not convert Unicode characters. 报错信息说明: After Effects无法转换Unicode字符。在你的project项目中有一些字符串不能被解释,因为无法确定它们的字符编码。 报错的可能原因: 这个报错与你的project项目中的文字层或其他功能有关,可能你使用了一些指定文本(如标记、图层名称、表达式等等)。
after effects could not convert unicode characters audio file haip37757893 Community Beginner , Mar 03, 2024 Copy link to clipboard I have an audio file and I can't bring it to Adobe Audition to edit, can anyone help me find the error? Thanks TOPICS Crash , I...
AE CS6: Could not convert Unicode characters (23 :: 46) Jon-M-Spear Guide , Aug 15, 2012 Copy link to clipboard I am sudenlty getting this error message. I was importing a native XDCAM file into AE Win 7 when the error message first appeared. Subsequent to t...
你把素材的路径里面别包含中文试试 比如直接放到某个盘的根目录里面!参考资料:电子书技术相关论坛
cs6无法导入素材 报错After Effects error: could not convert Unicode characters.(23::46) 文件名是英文的也不行,之前导进去成功过的,现在导什么素材都出现这个~求大神指教 可以加好友,远程或许帮你解决问题
y"好不好~ "cloud"(云)+"dy"(迪)~大家叫教授"couldy"好不好~ "cloud"(云)+"dy"(迪)~ 那天突然想到的呢~~ 分享57赞 ae吧 oliviaying 【求助】英文版无法导入中文路径文件我安装的英文mac版本,我向ae导入文件,凡事带中文的,或者是路径里有中文的,全部都说 error:could not convert unicode characters...
Can't convert unicode \u00e9 format characters to correct ascii format Can't decode plus sign ("+") using UrlDecode Can't get file from FileUpload Can't get id value in code behind in c# Can't read application settings from global.asax in C# VS 2010 web project. Can't wr...
Capitalization is not a concern. If the file appears to be properly placed and accessible, it might be corrupted on the disk. Reinstall Visual Basic if possible. Note the exact file name and extension and contact Microsoft Product Support Services....
{ "message": "Could not encode value into JSON format. Error was: \"Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded\".", "exception": "Sentry\\Exception\\JsonException", "file": "/var/www/app/vendor/sentry/sentry/src/Util/JSON.p...