错误"could not convert socket to tls" 指的是Java客户端无法将现有的socket连接安全地升级到TLS连接。这通常是因为TLS握手过程中出现了问题,可能是协议不匹配、证书问题或配置错误等。 3. 检查代码中的TLS握手部分 在JavaMail的代码中,通常通过以下设置来启用TLS: java Properties props = new Properties(); props...
I'm trying to connect to outlook server from my java app to send outgoing mail, but fails insatiately. getting the error below. What's the SOLUTION ? javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS; nested exception is: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host ...
javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS; nested exception is: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested ta...
Caused by: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS; javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: The server selected protocol version TLS11 is not accepted by client preferences [TLS12, SSL20Hello] com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.startTLS(SMTPTransport.jav...
报错信息:## javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS 解决方式: spring: mail: properties: mail: smtp: ssl: enabled: true 开启ssl配置后,默认走的端口就是465端口。 问题:javax.mail.MessagingException:Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp.qiye.163.com, port: 465; 解决...
: Could not convert socket to TLS; nested exception is: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received...Failed messages: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could ...
下面我们以QQ邮箱为例,在 application.properties 中加入如下配置(注意替换自己的用户名和密码): spring.mail.host=smtp.qq.com spring.mail.username...Failed messages: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS; nested exception is...at com.sun.mail...
Ubuntu:Unit crond.service could not be found. 2019-12-09 15:35 −因为Ubuntu上的服务名称是cron不是crond。所以你的命令应该是: service cron start... Ai~低调 0 3271 ValueError: Can't convert non-rectangular Python sequence to Tensor.
Could not connect to the server. Connection to tls://us-1.sharedwithexpose.com:443 failed during TLS handshake: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number Th...
'bootstrap' is not a valid script name. The name must end in '.js'. 'Cannot implicitly convert 'System.TimeSpan' to 'System.DateTime' 'DayOfWeek' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.. 'get' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file 'OleDbConne...