针对你遇到的“could not initialize sdl(no available video device) - exiting”错误,这通常意味着SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)库无法初始化视频设备。下面是一些可能的解决方案,你可以逐一尝试: 确认错误信息的完整内容和上下文: 错误信息“could not initialize sdl(no available video device) - exiting”通常...
apt-get install ia32-libs lib32stdc++6 无效。 3、安装依赖库 apt-get install grub-pc-bin 可能无效。 4、安装依赖库 apt-get install libsdl2-dev 因为吾是自己编译SDL,不确定是否有用。 如果没用,还是建议下载编译。具体参考: https://blog.csdn.net/quantum7/article/details/104173159 5,配置DISPLAY ...
简介:成功解决:Could not initialize SDL - No available video device (Did you set the DISPLAY variable?) 收集了以下方法,都试过,最终播放成功。 1、修改ffbuild目录下的config.mak 无效。 2、安装依赖库 apt-get install ia32-libs lib32stdc++6 无效。 3、安装依赖库 apt-get install grub-pc-bin 可...
CRITICAL: Could not initialize SDL: No available video device [server] INFO: Device: Xiaomi Redmi K20 (Android 10) [server] ERROR: Exception on thread Thread[main,5,main] java.io.IOException: Connection refused at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) ...
Updating the macOS system with a bootable USB drive is also an effective method to fix the recovery server could not be contacted error. You only need to download the latest macOS version file to the USB drive first, then create a bootable USB installer. After that, connect the USB to ...
You should hopefully find that the Could not connect to Steam network error has been fixed with this process. If this solution does not work, continue reading for another possible fix. Update Your Network Drivers Another possible reason Steam might fail to connect to the network could be because...
k8s创建命名空间 the server could not find the requested resource k8s创建serviceaccount 可以使用kubectl、客户端库方式对REST API的访问,Kubernetes的普通账户和Service帐户都可以实现授权访问API。API的请求会经过多个阶段的访问控制才会被接受处理,其中包含认证、授权以及准入控制(Admission Control)等。如下图所示:需...
How to Fix “Safari Can’t Find the Server” Error on Mac Why Can't Safari Connect to Server on Mac? 4 Ways to Fix Telegram Not Downloading Media on iPhone and Android Why Does Telegram Download Stop? 6 Ways to Fix Media Player Not Working in Windows 11 Fix 1: Check the File Format...
rw -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/config:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/config:rw -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/data:/root/.local/share/ov/data:rw -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/documents:/root/Documents:rw nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac-sim:2022.1.0 docker: Error response from daemon: could not select...
g_printerr (“One element in source end could not be created.\n”); return -1; } g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (source), “pad-added”, G_CALLBACK (cb_newpad), depay_pre_decode); /* Create tee which connects decoded source data and Smart record bin without bbox */ ...