please check the config file. 文心快码BaiduComate 针对您遇到的问题“could not connect to the mysql service. please check the config file.”,我将根据提供的提示,分点给出解答和建议。由于此问题主要涉及服务连接和配置文件的检查,不涉及具体的代码实现,我将着重于解释操作步骤和可能的解决策略。 1. 检查...
为什么xampp在访问dvwa中总是显示"could not connect to the mysql service,plea mysql数据库密码错误。修改论坛根目录下 中关于数据库的配置信息。如果是在安装过程中出现这个问题,可以重新填写正确的帐号信息继续安装。
可以直接去phpstudy创建数据库,数据库名称、用户、密码必须和里面一样。这样就能成功进入dvwa登录页了。 __EOF__ 本文作者:WangJunjie 本文链接: 关于博主:I am a good person
When I click in <Create / Reset Database>, I receive the following error: "Could not connect to the MySQL service. Please check the config file."I can manually authenticate to mysql using the root user (-uroot) as well as an additional administrator account I created (dvwa [-udvwa]).... Could not connect to the MySQL service. ...
Can not connect to MySQL server详细解决方法:排错过程:1、到/tmp/下确实没有mysql.sock.2、执行 bin/mysqld_safe –user=mysql ,可以看到提示,信息放到/var/lib/mysql/zuolong.err文件里.zuolong为你的hostname 3、查看 /var/lib/mysql/yourhostname.err里面的信息,看到启动mysql时,会看在...
Tried to login with dvwa as user, works fine but still getting 'Could not connect to the MySQL service.Please check the config file.'. Even the server reboot did not help post changing all these suggested fixes. Owner digininja commented Feb 28, 2018 via email I've got it installed ...
Could not start the service 一般的发生原因是因为多次安装,或卸载后重装时,才会出现这个问题,所以要把所有相关的文件夹、服务、注册表等都要卸载干净了,再次安装就OK了。有如下解决办法:使用services.msc打开服务窗口,查看MySQL service是否已经存在。如已经存在并已启动,则先停止该服务,然后到注册...
你看看你的3306这个端口是不是被占用了,这个是mysql 服务器的默认端口,如果被占用就要找出被什么程序占用,清除掉试试看
[User: www-data] Writable file /var/www/html/external/phpids/0.6/lib/IDS/tmp/phpids_log.txt: Yes Status in red, indicate there will be an issue when trying to complete some modules. Could not connect to the MySQL service. Please check the config file.Owner...