Issue type: [X ] question Database system/driver: [X] mssql TypeORM version: [X] latest Hi everyone, I'm new to typeorm. For now, I'm trying to connect to my local sql server which is: Server name: .\SQLEXPRESS Port: 1433 (default) This ...
I have developed an application in C#, and it uses both a SQL server database, and as part of its operation it opens up a Foxpro database. I am using Odbc to connect to the fox pro database and everything wortks just fine on my devleopment machine. However when I deploy my applic...
Search first I searched and no similar issues were found Description We recently tried to upgrade from 4.9.1 to 4.23.1. Unfortunately, dropAll() fails in our development environment on MSSQL with the following error: liquibase.exception...
App Config and escape sequences App Config key not working App setting inacessible due to protection level App.config for multiple groups of same key/value pairs App.config for release and another for debug app.config giving problem('Unrecognized configuration section ) app.config multiple values...
Today I was trying to connect to a SQL Server instance of my DEV machine from SSMS, it took bit more time than usual and threw me an error: Cannot connect to [SQL_Instance_name], A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing
How to find Missing sequence number in T-SQL How to find multiple strings in the sql database How to find number of Cores through T-SQL how to find sql stored procedures without NOLOCK statements in a database how to find the all databases sizes in sql server 2000 ? How to find the...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo\If you have an entry here with the same name as the server you are trying to connect to and there is a port number suffix, then this port number will be used. And fail if the ...
JDBC connector to MSSQL 2014 Uncategorized byTheDude YAFD (Yet another fucking developer) that needs to use java to connect to YAFDB (Yet Another Fucking DataBase). So start off and install Oracle java JRE 8 on your sql server. Then go here and get the latest Microsoft JDBC Driver, 4.2...
database. I found you had to set to Single User Mode, then run sp_who2 to see where the one connection was coming from, and note the SPID. You can run the kill command for that SPID and the restore in the same transaction, and it should go through. Here is the sequence I used:...
A RFC rfc/delta_trc_level not set, use default value: 0 A RFC rfc/no_uuid_check not set, use default value: 0 H HTTP> Parameter icf/ssocookie_mandatory set to 0 B dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [MSSQL:720.00]): B max_blocking_factor = 50, min_blocking_factor = 5,...