一样.这是美国电影Young Frankenstein中的一句经典对白具体情景是:[Froederick and Igor are exhuming a dead criminal] Dr.Frederick Frankenstein:What a filthy job.Igor:Could be worse.Dr.Frederick Frankenstein:How?Igor:Could be raining.[it starts to pour] 翻译的时候考虑到大多数中国人可能没有这种背景知...
doi:10.5539/ijel.v9n6p1Michela CanepariCanadian Center of Science and Education
To Be a Good Cook From the introduction to the 1915 Ladies’ Aid Cookbook “To be a good cook means the knowledge of all fruits, herbs, balms and spices. It means carefulness, inventiveness, watchfulness, willingness and readiness of appliance. It means the economy of your grandmother, and ...
It's a positive way to look at a bad situation. The situation isn't as bad as it could b...
15. When I (grow) (grow up), I shall be a pilot. 16. He was standing (besides) (beside) the window. 17. (It's) (Its) a very (excited) (exciting) film. 18. He does not (realize) (understand) English. 19. It was raining heavily so I was glad to get (house) (home). ...
Lesson 24 It could be worseText 课文First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Had the writers money been stol
Lesson 24 It could be worse ?Text 课文 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Had the writers money been stolen?? I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I said, and...
Lesson_24_It_could_be_worse 新概念英语2册 Lesson24Itcouldbeworse不幸中之万幸 havebeento A表示曾去过某地(现已回)B •一、后可接次数,如once,twice,threetimes等,表示“去过某地几次”,如:•我父亲去过北京两次。•MyfatherhasbeentoBeijingtwice.•二、也可和just,never,ever等连用。如...
Lesson24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸 I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down. I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset.' I left the money in my room,' I said, 'and it's not there now.' The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. 'Everyone's losing ...
Could find no place and it was still raining. There were twenty minutes passed and it was still camping. Hours to go before we reached the campsite(野营地). It was even worse that our small compass(指南针) showed that we went the wrong way. We had lost our way!