manifest as a lump or bulge at the groin or a dull pain near the groin that worsens with physical activity or coughing. 一般情况下,腹股沟疝不会有症状,可一旦发作,一般会在腹股沟部位表现为肿块或包块突出,或是该部位有隐痛 ,进行体力 活 动 或 咳 嗽 时 隐 痛会 加剧...
Other concerning signs that require professional care include coughing up blood, mucus, or foam, or if your dog’s cough worsens at night or any time they’re resting. Navigating life with a new pet? Head to littleKin! littleKin™ is Kinship’s home just for puppy and kitten parents...
coughing,especially at night or when lying down, including bloody, frothy sputum (spit). 咳嗽,特别是夜间或卧位常见,往往伴有血性泡沫痰。 ...
Congestive heart failure:Heart failurecan cause an unrelenting cough. This cough may produce pink foamy phlegm and usually worsens with lying down. It is most often accompanied by shortness of breath. Collapsed lung: Apneumothorax(collapsed lung) can cause a perpetual cough that often begins sudden...
If a cough is caused by chronic sinus infections, chronic runny nose, or chronic postnasal drip, the person will often have the signs and symptoms associated with these conditions. A person may also notice the cough worsens when the underlying condition worsens, and often the cough will improve...
your doctor if you develop a new or unusual cough. If you quit smoking for a month, you should cough significantly less. If your cough does not go away or worsens, see your doctor. Smoking may also cause a sore throat and is one of the leading risk factors for developing lung cancer....
suppresscoughing 止咳() 也可见: suppress— 抑制 · 查禁 · 镇 · 镇压 · 平息 · 弹压 · 遏抑 · 咽下 · 戡 · 钳住 · 追剿 · 钳制 · 抹杀 cough动— 咳嗽动 cough名— 祛痰药名 suppress动— 打压动 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ...
[...] reside deep in the airways and are not easily expelledbycoughingandsneezing, the usual route of spread of human influenza. 由於H5N1 病毒傾 向感染下呼吸道的細胞,寄居於氣道深處的病毒因而難以透過咳嗽和打噴嚏排出,而咳嗽和打噴嚏皆為人類感冒傳播的常見途徑。