Viruses.Colds and thefluare the most common causes of a productive cough although you might have a dry cough long after you’ve had a cold. It can last weeks. This could be because coughing irritates your lungs, which leads to more coughing, which irritates your lungs, and so on. Postna...
This is the second time I have used Zarbee's to cure a stubborn cough. The kind that lingers for weeks. You feel fine. There's just this flem that trickeles down the throat. So annoying. Just buy some and say goodbye. Helpful?(0)(0)Report Aug 28, 2021 Sam 5 out...
Everyone coughs to clear their throat from time to time. But when a cough is persistent or starts to get phlegmy, you might have a chest cold – also known as bronchitis. Bronchitis is very common and can usually be treated at home. But if your cough lingers for more than a few weeks...
At first, whooping cough – also called pertussis – might seem like a regular, run-of-the mill cold, which is why doctors often don't diagnose it as whooping cough right away. It may take 5-10 days after contact with the whooping coughbacteriato have any symptoms. It could even take ...
In most cases of habit cough, children first develop a cough of infectious etiology, which lingers long after the infection usually should be resolved. Repeated cough continues to irritate the airways and stimulate the cough receptors, lowering the threshold for continued coughing.109 Another ...
Whenever I get sick it is accompanied by a cough that lingers well beyond any of the other symptoms. The biggest problem for me is how much my sleep is disrupted by coughing spasms at night. In the past my physician has given me cough syrup with codeine to suppress the cough and to ...
It’s cold and flu season, so your office is probably filled with sniffles and coughs. Everyone’s doing their best to avoid germs and stay healthy, but getting sick is almost unavoidable for many of us. We cough, sneeze, and feel miserable, but usually, these bugs clear up after a fe...
The bottom line: Don’t be surprised if a cough lingers for weeks after a bout with cold or flu, or if your allergies are acting up. But do see a doctor if the cough gets worse, or if you experience “alarm” symptoms like high fever, bloody sputum, severe fatigue, orshortness of...
Cough is a protective respiratory reflex of the body that removes secretions or foreign bodies in the airway. After stimulating the sensory nerve, the signals are sent to the cough center of the brainstem along the vagus nerve. The signals are integrated and sent to the effector (diaphragm, ph...
Less often,a cough lingers for several weeks, months, or even years. When you keep coughing without an obvious cause, you may have something serious. A cough that lasts eight weeks or more is called a chronic cough. Even chronic coughs often have a treatable cause. ...