Long-lasting cough in an adult German population: incidence, symptoms, and related pathogensRespiratory Syncytial VirusHuman MetapneumovirusProlonged CoughRhinovirusSentinelStudies of the incidence of pertussis in adults have shown that it accounts for only 5–15% cases of prolonged coughing. We ...
My other half came in and asked what was wrong, (I was crying by now and panicking). "Well give her the homeopathic remedy for whooping cough then", he advised. I put the phone down, and one drosera 30c pilule actually cured her completely by morning. She didn't have any lasting ef...
First described in the sixteenth century, whooping cough or pertussis is a relatively recent disease in human history, although some of the cough syndromes described in antiquity may in fact be pertussis-like diseases. Whooping cough caused by the gram-negative bacterium Bordetella pertussis is a se...
In older children, there may be localized dullness to percussion, with crackles or amphoric (bronchial) breath sounds over a consolidated lobe. The chest radiograph may be normal in the first hours of the illness, inasmuch as the radiographic findings often lag behind the clinical manifestations....
The utility of definitions depends on the intention of use. In adults, chronic cough is defined as cough lasting >8 weeks [33]. In children the definition of chronic cough varies from 3-weeks duration [34] to 12-weeks [35,36]. There are no studies that have clearly defined when cough...
There were 1,614 infections last month, bringing the total to 7,728 this year. A UK-wide campaign to vaccinate pregnant women, to pass protection on to their children, is under way. There are surges in whooping cough cases every three to four years. However, the current outbreak has affe...
Older children and adults need theTdap vaccineand a booster every 10 years because the vaccine can weaken over time. The best age for preteens to get it is between 11 and 12. Adults who’ve never had the vaccine can get it anytime and should receive a Tdap or Td booster every 10 yea...
The utility of definitions depends on the intention of use. In adults, chronic cough is defined as cough lasting >8 weeks [33]. In children the definition of chronic cough varies from 3-weeks duration [34] to 12-weeks [35,36]. There are no studies that have clearly defined when cough...