Factors Associated with Health-Seeking Preference Among People Who Were Supposed to Cough for More Than 2 Weeks: A Cross-Sectional Study in Southeast China.doi:10.2147/PPA.S257722Wei WangFei WangYing PengKui LiuXinyi ChenChengliang ChaiXiaomeng Wang...
Again, if you've had a persistent cough for more than two weeks, Dr. Hanak says to contact your healthcare provider. Other signs to call your doctor for a cough include shortness of breath, wheezing, high fever, chest pain, and hemoptysis (coughing up blood), per Dr. Peterson. Ashley...
Sub acute coughhas been defined as a cough lasting for 3-8 weeks. Following specific infections (e.g.,M. pneumoniae), an increase in bronchial hyper-responsiveness may persist, which can cause or maintain sub acute cough that can remain bothersome for a period of weeks even after the inciti...
Acute cough—lasts for less than three weeks Chronic cough—lasts for three weeks or more Causes An acute cough is usually caused by an infection such as acoldorflu. In some cases, an acute cough can be the sign of a more serious condition, such as: ...
JRa... Taken for less than 1 month December 26, 2019 "Been using this for three days now and hasn't helped me stop coughing or sleep yet. Going to try one more night, then I plan to go back to the doctor. Coughing at night and trying to sleep doesn't work." 2 / 10 Was...
If a cough lasts more than three weeks it is considered a chronic cough, and physicians will try to determine a cause beyond an acute infection or irritant. Coughs are generally described as either dry or productive. A dry cough does not bring up a mixture of mucus, irritants, and other...
According to most guidelines, a chest radiograph in the anterior and lateral view is warranted in any unexplained cough that persists for more than 2 weeks. In the case of sputum production, this should be analysed for the approximate quantity and colour, which can suggest bacterial growth. ...
andcanaggravateinfection. Accordingtothedurationofcough,coughcanbedividedinto chroniccoughandacutecough.Whenthecoughpersistsformore than3or3weeks,andthecoughistheonlysymptompresent, thereisnohistoryofchronicrespiratorydisease,andthere isnosputumorsputum.Thisiscalledchroniccough.When symptomsarenotmorethan3weeks,...
In this (BAPCOC – www.portal.health.fgov.be); and the guideline, we define prolonged cough as a daily cough lasting Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap (NHG-NI – for more than three weeks, because of the natural evolution of www.nhg.artsennet.nl). The search was performed in June cough...
被引量: 2发表: 2018年 The Respiratory Microbiome in Paediatric Chronic Wet Cough: What Is Known and Future Directions Chronic wet cough for longer than 4 weeks is a hallmark of chronic suppurative lung diseases (CSLD), including protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB), and b... B Atto,Y Anten...