Whooping cough is usually treated with antibiotics, and it's recommended to get treatment early to keep it from spreading and to keep your symptoms from getting severe. After having whooping cough for 3 weeks without treatment, antibiotics may not help because the bacteria is already out of ...
Wet cough or the chesty coughs are the result of chest infections which may take enough of time to recover. If the wet cough and its symptoms remains for more than four weeks it can be dangerous and immediate treatment is highly essential. Dust, smoke and allergy also are the causes of ...
Habit cough, sometimes called psychogenic cough, is characterized by a cough that occurs as often as several times per minute with regularity, that has lasted for weeks or months, that has been refractory to treatment, that disappears with sleep, and that typically has a harsh, “barking” qua...
We have witnessed the consequences of lung disease being diagnosed too late. We once treated an adolescent Aboriginal boy with end-stage bronchiectasis. He was so sick that he was unable to walk or lie flat. His lung function was less than 25%, well below the threshold for lung transplantati...
This “chest cold” usually lasts about 3 weeks. It makes you cough because the airways in your lungs swell and make a lot ofmucus. This kind of inflammation usually shows up after a viral infection. But bacteria can cause bronchitis, too. ...
Trial and error with every single thing I take, and now after having NO thyroid meds for 3 weeks, and I have NO problems! I was probably near death with that high a BP, now it's down for first time in 3 months. I have researched this online for all this time and find NO cases...
3. cough的解释 3. 咳嗽 咳嗽:咳嗽药方如何医治咳嗽 咳嗽(cough)是人体的一种保护性反射动作. 呼吸道内的病理性分泌物和从外界进入呼吸道内的异物,可.. 4. cough 4. 咳:corp-躯 | cough咳 | cover盖 cough 双语例句 1. I want some medicine for my cough. ...
If you've had a persistent cough that's lasted for longer than three weeks If you're pregnant and have been in contact with someone who has whooping cough If you have a weakened immune system and have been in contact with someone who has whooping cough In more severe cases of whooping ...
If a chesty cough continues to be problematic for 3 weeks or more, please consult your GP. A dry cough is a cough that does not bring up any mucus. A dry cough feels like a tickle at the back of the throat and occurs because of inflammation or irritation to the throat; since mucus...
Finally, the glottis opens, allowing for explosive expiratory airflow (300 m/sec) and expulsion of mucus, particularly from the larger, central airways. The inability to seal the upper airway (tracheostomy) impairs, but does not abolish, the effectiveness of cough. Weak ventilatory muscles (...