The present technology relates generally to cough-assist devices with humidified cough assistance. In one example, a system includes a cough-assist device having a first phase confi
The present technology relates generally to cough-assist devices with humidified cough assistance. In one example, a system includes a cough-assist device having a first phase confi
R.: How to use a mechanical insufflator-exsu- fflator „cough assist machine". Breathe, roč. 4, 2008, č. 4, s. 321- 325.Chatwin M. How to use a mechanical insufflator- exsufflator "cough assist machine". Breathe. 2008; 4: 321-9....
Cough assessment is central to the clinical management of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis (TB), but strategies to objectively and unobtrusively measure cough are lacking. Acoustic epidemiology is an emerging field that uses technology t
from a Picasso painting to an Enigma machine from World War II, but there’s one object that’ll hurt him most to lose: He’ll reportedly have to part ways with hisone-of-a-kind $2 million Wu-Tang Clan album, the one thatmight actually be worthlessif it is indeed unauthorized. The ...
Can regular use of the Cough Assist machine maintain lung function in children and adolescents with neuromuscular disease?Question: Does regular use of the CoughAssist maintains lung function in children/adolescents with neuromuscular disease? Design: Prospective pilot observational case-matched cohort trial...
COUGH ASSIST MACHINE USING A VIDEO ANIMATION FOR ASSISTING THE PATIENT WITH PERFORMING THEIR TREATMENT, IN PARTICULAR IN IPPB MODEThe invention relates to a cough apparatus for effecting gas insufflations on a patient, comprising a motorized turbine and a gas circuit with insufflation and exsuf...