Baseline LCQ scores for one participant (whom we’ll call participant K) in the sham group were judged to be unreliable. All LCQ scores for this participant were subsequently removed. The participant chose the worst possible answer on 13 of 19 questions on the LCQ at baseline which resu...
She had a three month history weight loss of two stone and progressive dysphagia for solids. She also reported recent onset of cough productive of purulent sputum, and cough on attempted swallowing. She had a past history of resection of a Dukes's stage B colon carcinoma eight years earlier....
SELF ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS: A case of cough and dysphagia The article presents a case study of a 70 year old women, who was referred to the accident and emergency department by her general practitioner. She had a three month history weight loss of two stone and progressive dysphagia for solids...
clarify the differential diagnosis, and identify red flag features. Figure5.1depicts the initial assessment and general management approach to cough. The following questions are suggested in order to assess patients presenting with cough.
Another factor that has hampered the development of new antitussive medication is the lack of validated tools that allow for better assessment of cough. At PharmaLegacy, we want that to change. Together, your pipelines and our animal models hold the promise of tomorrow’s treatments. Contact Us...
By now, there are few validated questionnaires for the evaluation of the impact of this symptom in the patient's quality of life (QoL). For this reason, we created a new questionnaire for the assessment of QoL in patients affected by chronic cough (Chronic Cough Impact Questionnaire, CCIQ)....
Cough is a common reason for patients to visit general practices. So-called post-infectious cough is defined as lasting 3 to 8 weeks after an upper respiratory tract infection. It can be disabling in daily activities, with substantial impact on physic
Cough diaries can take various forms, but all depend on patients tracking the frequency and severity of their coughs over time. Other questionnaires expand their assessment of cough to incorporate questions on health-related quality of life21. For example, the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ) is...
A new device for ambulatory cough recording. Pediatr Pulmonol 1994;18(3):178-86. 12. Hsu JY, Stone RA, Logan-Sinclair RB, Worsdell M, Busst CM, Chung KF. Coughing frequency in patients with persistent cough: assessment using a 24 hour ambulatory recorder. Eur Respir J 1994;7(7):1246...
The subjective survey used for this study may also be considered by some to be a limitation, but clinicians and parents often make decisions based on subjective assessment of symptom severity as has been argued previously.22,70 Additionally, investigators at the Massachusetts General Hospital recently...