Impact of WTO on Cotton in IndiaTable 3: State wise CGR of Area, Production and Produc-tivity of Cotton in India Area Production ProductivityN.NarmadhaT.Alagumani
One sensor should be placed in the middle of the root zone (depth-wise) and should be within the wetted pattern of the furrow. Other sensors can be placed shallow to detect rainfall and/or deep to detect percolation through the root zone. In drip irrigation, one sensor should be placed ...
Pathway enrichment analysis was performed to explore the roles of the up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs in the above four pairwise comparison groups (Fig. 8 and Table S6). In SF1 vs. SF2, upregulated DEGs were significantly enriched in replication and repair (DNA replication and homologous...
Sequence demarcation tool (SDT) was used to perform analysis for species and strain demarcation by using the following taxonomic criteria of begomovirus i.e., 94% and 91% pairwise sequence identity (PSI) for strain and species, respectively34,35. For alphasatellites, 70% and 88% PSI for gen...
Homoeologous bias expression was detected in the entire 35 tissue data set through pairwise t-tests (significance was set at P < 0.01, FDR < 0.05 and at least twofold differences in average expression levels). At > Dt indicated biased expression of the A homoeologs and Dt > At indicated ...
a Manhattan plot for AYDP1 on chromosome A10 and haplotype blocks (A10:112.511–113.995 Mb) around SHZDI1/SHZDP2/AYDP1 (A10:112.70–113.75 Mb) was estimated using pairwise LD correlations (R2). b Collinearity analysis of A10 of G. hirsutum and Chr10 of G. arboreum is shown in mauve...
< p > Yancheng is a major cotton producing city in Jiangsu. It is also the first national grade cotton producing area which was first published by the State Council. Cotton production has occupied half of Jiangsu Province over the years. ...
Wool processing is generally on a smaller scale and mostly batch-wise processes are employed. Grey fabrics that come to the dyehouse will undergo many possible processes and combinations thereof and wool dyers are adept at making these efficient. Scouring and milling are commonly combined. Sulphuric...
663 and 1 585 genes were significantly up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively (Fig.7A). The Venn diagram showed that 14 DEGs were shared in all above 4 comparison groups, whereas 1 332, 672, 58, 1 001 DEGs were unique to the pairwise comparison of SF1 vs. SF2, SF2 vs. SF3,...
a, Dendrogram of pairwise Jaccard similarity between full-length LTRs. b, Relationship between LTR family and copy number. The bar chart inside represents the number of core LTR and variable LTR. c, The number of LTR families among 15 A2, 35 At and 35 Dt genomes. Number of core, near-...