There’s just one big problem: Patrick’s great grandpa lives thousands of miles away in Perth, Australia. How is Patrick going to get a message all that way? He decides to ask for the help of a flock of migrating swallows heading from northern Europe to the Cape of Good Hope in South...
Posted onMarch 25, 2015bybakedcottonstar This gallery contains26 photos. While in Perth, Australia in April 2013, we set about completing a photography project. We explored different areas of Perth and collected photos of capital letters, making sure they were portrait and the letter filled the...
Field studies were conducted in 1998 and 1999 in Livingston Field at Perthshire Farm, Bolivar County which is located in west-central Mississippi along the Mississippi River. It is a 162 ha field and has a 2-m elevation range. The dominant soil series of the field are Commerce silt loam,...
A plane trip can be a stress-free experience if you’ve got all the right stuff. Firstly, you’ll want a few toiletry items, such as toothpaste, a toothbrush and some deodorant, a fresh change of clothes and a good read. Next, find room in your carry-on bag for your phone, tablet...
Mesch P, Howard S, O'Connell P (2002) Trifloxysulfuron-sodium: a new post-emergence herbicide for use in Australian cotton and sugarcane. In `Proceedings of the 13th Australian Weeds Conference'. Perth, 2002 pp. 345-347. (Plant Protection Society of WA Inc: Perth, WA)....
In this study, hyperspectral information and SPAD values of healthy and VW cotton leaves were collected. Preprocessing was performed on raw spectral data, based on which, correlation coefficients, vegetation indices, successive projection algorithm (SPA), and competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS...
(Zn) may provide a simpler, less time-consuming, and effective technique for boosting the plant’s resilience to drought. The present study gathers persuasive evidence on the potential roles of zinc sulphate (ZnSO4·7H2O; 1.0 g Kg−1soil) and zinc oxide (ZnO; 1.0 g Kg−1soil) in ...
Travel - 18th Australian Entomological Society Conference in Perth to present current results on the biology and ecology of Pectinophora scutigera - Pink Spotted BollwormWalker, Paul
Harden, Greame
The NASA Commercial Remote Sensing Program and ITD-Spectral Visions are working with Perthshire Farms in Gunnison, Mississippi to test variable-rate seeding applications for cotton. In 1998, researchers found that planting more seeds on lower, fine-soil-texture areas and less seeds on higher, ...