互联网 Cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera ( Hubner ) outbreaks in Jiangxi almost every year since 1993. 近几年来江西棉铃虫几乎年年大发生. 互联网 英英释义 Noun 1. larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops ...
Moth CatchWeather ParametersCotton bollworms, American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), spiny bollworm Earias insulana (Boisduval), spotted bollworm, Earias vittella (Fabricius) anKaur, AmandeepKumar, VijayAK, DhawanSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
cotton bollworm- larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops corn earworm,Heliothis zia,tobacco budworm,tomato fruitworm,vetchworm family Noctuidae,Noctuidae- cutworms; armyworms bollworm- any of various moth caterpillars that destroy cotton bolls ...
larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops 相似短语 cotton bollworm 棉铃虫 cotton spotted bollworm 翠纹金刚钻 pink bollworm phr. 面红铃虫 cotton on 领会,懂得,理解;对…产生好感,喜欢 cotton with v.与...和谐 cotton to v. 交好 cotton...
Gelechia gossypiella,pink bollworm- larvae of a gelechiid moth introduced from Asia; feeds on the seeds of cotton bolls corn earworm,cotton bollworm,Heliothis zia,tobacco budworm,tomato fruitworm,vetchworm- larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops...
英英释义 larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops 访问沪江小D查看cotton bollworm的更多详细解释>相关短语 seed ball (马铃薯的) 球状果实 parasite (虫) 寄生物 microtrichium (昆虫) 微刺 submargin (昆虫) 亚缘 hemocoel (昆虫) 血腔 mesonotum (...
These entomopathogenic fungi may be promising biological control agents against the cotton bollworm H. armigera. Likewise, Toffa-Mehinto et al. (2014) showed that B. bassiana isolate Bb115 (mortality rates ranged from (65.8 ± 3.5)% (fifth instar) to (79.0 ± 3.0)% (first ...
bollworm moth (male an d femal e、to high sex pheromone concentration.Fan et a 1.(2003) report ed that the synth etic femal e sex pheromone elicited electr oan tennogram (EAG ) levels from th e an tenna of femal e cotton bollworms;average E A G s of th e femal e moth inc...
The cotton bollwormHelicoverpa armigerais one of the major agricultural pests worldwide, causing billions of dollars in losses every year26,27. The cotton bollworm is widely distributed in China, from the eastern coast to the northwestern interior. Due to geographical isolation, the cotton bollworm ...
Various parts of Bt-transgenic cotton line 310 were tested with cotton bollworm larvae(Helicoverpa armigera Hübner)in different growing stages. Young larvae rearing on excised leaves, squares and bolls from Bt-transgenic plant in various growing stages showed a significant inhibition of feeding. The...