WILSON L T,et al.Bollworm damage and yield of cottoninfested at different time periods.Journal of Economic Entomology. 1982WILSON L T,et al.Bollworm damage and yield of cottoninfested at different time periods. Journal of Economic Entomology . 1982...
bollworm damageupland cottonLarger and wider floral bracts provide good shelter to bollworms to safely feed-upon cotton bolls whereas smaller, narrower and twisted bracts provide less protection to bollworms. Variation in normal bract size and their relationship with bollworm damage was studied in ...
This cotton IPM system has experienced the unprecedented outbreak of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (H眉bner) in 1992 and 1993; its serious damage had been effectively controlled in this demonstration area. Until 1994, the accumulated area of direct demonstration areas had increased up to ...
desert because of the barrier, the mountains and the non-agricultural areas, oasis cotton relatively closed, there is a strong independence, the possibility of cotton bollworm population exchanges with other small, natural ecology of the pest control capability than strong to control bollworm damage....
损失,而且诱发病害的发生,使玉米的品质下降。对棉铃虫的空间分布型调查结果表明,第4 代棉铃虫在夏玉米田的分布有聚集分布和均匀分布2种。 关键词:玉米田;棉铃虫;危害;分布型 中图分类号:S435.622文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-3268(2004)11-0045-03 棉铃虫Helicouerpaarmigera(Htbner)是多食性 害虫,其种群密度以...
The most important pests are larvae of the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and the native budworm (H. punctigera). While cotton has some ability to recover from repeated pest damage without yield loss, the degree of damage it can tolerate is still not well defined. In a two-year ...
Related to Cotton worm:cotton bollworm (Zool.)a lepidopterous insect (Aletia argillacea), which in the larval state does great damage to the cotton plant by eating the leaves. It also feeds on corn, etc., and hence is often calledcorn worm, andSouthern army worm. ...
Numerous insect species attack cotton plants, which include dangerous ones like the boll weevil, conchuela, aphid, cotton flea hopper, cotton leaf worm, grasshoppers, pink bollworm, rapid plant bug, spider mites (red spiders), southern green stinkbug, tarnished plant bugs, and thrips (Kiobia ...
These entomopathogenic fungi may be promising biological control agents against the cotton bollworm H. armigera. Likewise, Toffa-Mehinto et al. (2014) showed that B. bassiana isolate Bb115 (mortality rates ranged from (65.8 ± 3.5)% (fifth instar) to (79.0 ± 3.0)% (first ...
The bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) is a ployphagous pest of worldwide occurrence inflicting annual crop damage in India US dollar 1 billion. In India this insect occurs as a major pest in many economically important crops, including cotton, pigeoonpea, chickpea,...