Most state lawmakers have seen the immense benefits of backing cottage food legislation to create a cottage food industry to help anyone get started in the food service industry. The cottage food rules have allowed farmers to sellfromtheir homes, future restaurant owners to start from home, future...
New York Venues 100% Food 58% Limits 90% Overall 86% North Carolina Venues 100% Food 96% Limits 50% Overall 82% North Dakota Venues 57% Food 100% Limits 90% Overall 82% Ohio Venues 86% Food 57% Limits 90% Overall 80% Ohio Home Bakery Venues 100% Food 28% Limits 50% Overal...
2021 is a fresh start in so many ways, but as always, a new year means a new round of cottage food bills! And what a big round it is! At least one-third of states are actively working on improving their cottage food law this year. I actually can’t remember a year when there we...
North Dakota Venues 57% Food 100% Limits 90% Overall 82% Ohio Venues 86% Food 57% Limits 90% Overall 80% Ohio Home Bakery Venues 100% Food 28% Limits 50% Overall 65% Oklahoma Venues 86% Food 100% Limits 75% Overall 87% Oregon Venues 86% Food 73% Limits 50% Overall 70% ...