This department is located in central France in the Burgundy region bordering the departments of Aube,Cote-d'Or,Nievre, Loiret and Seine-et-Marne. 该部门位于法国中部勃艮第地区,部门的奥布省,科多尔省,涅夫勒省,卢瓦雷省和塞纳 - 马恩省接壤。
关于“勒热纳勃艮第(金丘)红葡萄酒(Domaine Lejeune Bourgogne, Cote D'Or, France) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自法国勃艮第的红葡萄酒,由黑皮诺酿制而成。酒庄采用整串浸渍和轻柔压榨,将获取的葡萄汁在几周内完成发酵。酒液散发出樱桃、草莓和覆盆子等红色水果的香气,并伴随着淡淡的草本香调。这款酒具有不错的陈年...
Côte d’Azur, (French: “Coast of Azure,” or “Azure Coast”), cultural region in southeastern France encompassing the French Riviera between Menton and Cannes in Alpes-Maritimes département and extending into southern Var département. The populati
Blagny is a hamlet (a small village without a church) located between the communes of Puligny-Montrachet and Meursault, at the foot of the Cote d'Or escarpment. The specific Blagny appellation is solely for red wines, made from Pinot Noir.
Bouchesdu Rhoneisamaritime department in the south of France in the Provence AlpesCoted'Azur region. 罗讷河口省是一个海洋部门在法国南部的普罗旺斯 - 阿尔卑斯 - 蔚蓝海岸地区。 ...
这是一座家族式酒庄,所产葡萄酒等级各异,品质不凡。1947年,加百利·达哈瑞(Gabriel d'Ardhuy)在勃艮第邂逅了他的妻子伊莲(Eliane),他们的爱情在勃艮第的阳光下萌芽生长。婚后,二人相继诞下了7个女儿。出…【详情】 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 拉都瓦(Ladoix)拉都瓦产区位于伯恩(Beaune)市的正北方,Corton hill...
Abengourou +00225 35; Abidjan +00225 21; Abobo +00225 24; Banco +00225 23; Bouaké +00225 31; Cocody +00225 22; Daloa +00225 32; Korhogo +00225 36; Man +00225 33; Plateau +00225 20; Yamoussoukro +00225 30
Monitoring of commercial orchards in the Provence-Alpes Cote d'Azur region in France, conducted by the Regional Plant Protection Office (SRPV) and a range of other organizations has produced useful information pertaining to the population dynamics of apple and pear codling moth (Cydia pomonella) ...
Nicelies quite close to the border between France and Italy and was once a part of the latter, which is still reflected in the historic sites and customs of the region. Filled with architectural wonders from Nice’s ‘Belle Epoch’ visitors could as easily while away the hours taking in th...
: The Cote d'Or.]]>The article features the French region of Burgundy, a major growing region for the Chardonnay grape variety used in producing white wines. Chardonnay, which continues to be the top choice for white wines in 2008, first established its reputation for quality, flavor and ...