论文名称:Interpretable Long-Form Legal Question Answering with Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.17050v1.pdf 论文Github地址:https://github.com/maastrichtlawtech/lleqa 会议:CIKM 2023 动机:许多人可能在一生中的某个时刻面临法律纠纷,但他们缺乏对如何解决这些复杂...
FIG.7is a bottom view of the bolster pet cot of FIG.1. The broken lines in the drawings illustrate portions of the bolster pet cot that form no part of the claimed design. The dotted lines shown in the figures illustrate stitching and form part of the claimed design....
scot_ch06_imscot 斯科特财务会计理论课后答案.pdf,CHAPTER 6 SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS TO QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 1. The following reasons for a measurement approach are suggested: • It appears that historical cost-based net income explains only about 2–5% of
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performance -- the accountant does not do it for them. The particular form of disclosure does not matter, only the fact that the information is disclosed. Thus, the information perspective can be used to justify historical cost as the basis of the financial statements proper, while supplementing...