Costco和Canadian Tire的雪胎都要$600-$1000四个,穷到觉得啥都贵😂我的车居然还是RF(Run-Flat)防爆轮胎,Costco最低配都要$300一个,我不配相比,Costco还是性价比更高,买轮胎可以免费安装。Canadian Tire需要收$25一个($100四个)的安装费但是,FB Marketplace二手的性价比更高。Costco不给没在它那里买的新...
I know those tires could have been installed in 15-20 minutes since I used to be a tire tech myself. What I want to know is why doesn't Costco try their very best to please the customer. If the customer doesn't want runflat tires, then PLEASE the customer by DOING what they want...
Shop online- Non-members can buy from with a 5% checkout fee. If you only shop there once or twice a year, this is a good option. Fill your tire pressure- This is a completely free service. It doesn't matter where you bought your car. Costco will inflate your tires with...
Costco also supplies items generally not available in your grocer’s food aisle, such as diamond rings, flat screen TVs, and winter tires. Tasty! So to do a fair price check, I had to do a little mathy math with some quasi-scientific rules. Price Check Rules: Compare unit prices to...
s tire department the advantage. Costco will only repair flat tires if you bought the tires from Costco. but Sam’s Club Will repair flat tires no matter where you got the tires. Costco will sell you auto batteries but they won’t install them for you, where as Sam’s Club will. and...
Costco’s quarterly sales growth is in tune with the rest of the industry at ~ 10%. This is a very sustainable growth rate and while not stellar, when combined with the lowest labor costs in the industry, results in an excellent return.Revenue Est. Current Quarter Next Quarter Current Ye...
When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade,Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.* David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the10 best stocksfor investors to buy r...