Kirkland Signature Macadamia nuts坚果零食,从$18.99降至$13.99。目前加拿大官网售价$22.99加元。 图源 Kirkland Signature Spanish Olive Oil 3-liter橄榄油,从$38.99降至$34.99。目前加拿大官网售价$49.99加元。 图源:Costco.c...
Costco says it cut prices on Kirkland Signature products like chicken and olive oil. Membership fees recently increased in the U.S. and Canada, rising from $60 to $65. Despite the hike, membership revenue rose to $1.512 billion. LOS ANGELES - Costco recently announced price reductions on sev...
LOS ANGELES-Costco recentlyannouncedprice reductions on several popular Kirkland Signature products during its fourth-quarter earnings call. These price cuts come shortly after the company raised the cost of its membership. Some of the biggest reductions include a 13% price cut on Kirkland Signature B...
Costcoprice: $0.30/杯 Amazon price: $0.31/杯 4、狗粮 亚马逊上卖的 Diamond Naturals 是costco卖的Kirkland Signature 狗粮的生产商,直接比Costco便宜了15%,果断放弃Costco拉! Costcoprice: $0.97/磅 Amazon price: $0.82 /磅 5、Monster Energy drinks 魔兽能量饮料 Costco: $1.38一罐 Amazon: $1.33 一罐 ...
In a recent earnings call, Costco revealed it is slashing the prices of numerousKirkland Signature items. This includes pantry staples like Spanish Olive Oil, going from $38.99 to $34.99 for a 3-liter bottle, to macadamia nuts, originally $18.99, now $13.99. (Grab a bag,make these cookies...
EatThis,NotThat! (ETNT) reported that shoppers across the U.S. and Canada saw notable price increases on Kirkland Signature organic extra virgin olive oil. At one store in Brooklyn the oil jumped from $16.99 in March 2023 to $24.99 this year, according to ETNT. ...
Olive Oil 排名第一的是这款两升装的有机特级初榨橄榄油,“展现出浓郁的优雅香气和独特而丰富的味道”。 Costco网上售价为一瓶$21.99 美元,但线下的价格通常会更便宜~ 02 Pesto kirkland的招牌青酱,在家做饭必备,不管是焗饭意面还是抹面包,都不会出错。这款青酱采用100%意大利罗勒制成,保质期前用不完还可以分装...
Costco的Kirkland Signature有机特级初榨橄榄油(Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil)具有橄榄油应有的优质口感,一瓶两升(约67盎司)装,可以使用很长时间。 2. Kirkland Signature幼滑杏仁酱(Creamy Almond Butter) 价格:7.99美元 如果你吃腻了花生酱,可以尝试Kirkland Sig...
“Our goal is always to be the first to lower price where we see the opportunities to do so,” he said. Examples of other price cuts on Kirkland Signature products include standard foil reduced from $31.99 to $29.99, Macadamia nuts reduced from $18.99 to $13.99, Spanish Olive Oil 3-lite...
Kirkland Signature Food Wrap Popularly known as “Saran wrap,” Costco can’t call its food wrap by that name because SC Johnson owns the trademarked Saran brand. By any name, however, the Kirkland Signature version is a winner on quality and price. ...