活动一:现在凭 Costco 会员卡购买 iPhone 13 系列(13 mini, 13, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max)或 iPhone 12 系列(12mini, 12, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max)享受 9 折优惠,在 Costco 购买 iPhone 各系列的价格如下(已打过 9 折): 活动二:同时购买两部相同机型的 iPhone 13 系...
而且沃尔玛服装也很全面,几美元的T-shirt,十几块钱的鞋,质量还都不错,很多中低收入的美国人经常在沃尔玛买衣服。 除了日用百货,沃尔玛还有很多电子影像设备,比如3刀的高清DVD,iphone、 ipad,每年黑五销售季,沃尔玛打折的苹果电脑手机也都是大家疯抢的对象。 此外,沃尔玛有一个其他商店没有的地方,就是你可以在沃尔...
:下午刚刚签完这个deal,叠加了Costco $150,感觉挺值的。当时这只适合一部分人:1. 因为各种原因反正就是不会换运营商的,2. 买手机是为了自己用,且换手机不频繁,3. 目前plan就是unlimited,最便宜的starter也可以,4. 最好再有个Costco会员。这样叠加下来等于几乎无成本升级了一个iPhone 15 Plus 官⽅打赏 +10...
它没有会员卡,但是运气好的话能选到贴有“Manager Special”的特价商品,价格通常都超级诱人哦! Sprouts在官网上有可供打印的优惠券(Coupon),喜欢提前列购物清单的小伙伴们可以去看看有没有合适的Deal。 三、药品类超市 1. CVS 超市简介: CVS是美国销售额排名第二,但是门店最多的药品连锁店。它在招牌上都写着D...
早些年Costco一直都没有五花肉,只有瘦肉,五花肉要去亚洲超市买。近几年也开始卖五花肉了,单人略有点多,可以和朋友share,家庭为单位就没这个问题了。 3. 无骨羊腿 好像是新西兰产的?已经去骨了,拿回家切成几大块,分装冷冻。炒菜、做羊肉串都很不错,或者切成火锅肉片也好。
We have been customers here for nearly 4 years weekly and you want to think it was no big deal, but to see other customers not being yelled at for crossing “this line” and pretty much being called out as a thief in front of strangers wears on a soul and it is a big deal. But...
the devil is in the details and that includes any would be progress on US-China trade and Congress with immigration reform. We remain cautiously optimistic, especially on the China trade front, but recognize that more time is likely to be needed until a Trump-sized “big deal” can be reac...
Current price: $99 (with a watch trade-in) Original price: $199 If you're in the market for a smartwatch, ZDNET's Kerry Wan says you won't want to miss out on the best Wear OS deal yet. Right now, Samsung is offering its base model Watch FE for just $99 with an eligible tra...
These scams offer items such as a free iPhone, TV, or a vacation package, but these surveys are always fraudulent. "Redeem Your Gift Card" Scam Canva/ Un Liu Unsplash "Redeem Your Gift Card" Scam Emails or texts asking you to redeem your gift card aren't legitimate offers from Costco....
There's one condition of using Apple Pay at Costco: If you use a credit card, it must be a Visa because of an in-store exclusive deal the retailer has with Citigroup and Visa, according to PaymentsSource, a news site that covers the payments industry. ...