I need someone who's in charge and explain it to me. I would want to know that this ridiculous policy is a COSTCO's policy or your employee Brandon's own policy? Paul Hayes from Arlington, WA Jun 05, 2019 20 Bought hearing aids for my wife & TOTAL dissatisfaction! Went back abo...
不限 地点 不限 按类别评分 3.7工作-生活平衡 4.2薪资与福利 3.8职位安全与晋升 3.5管理方式 3.8企业文化 搜索评价 搜索 排序方式 评分时间 语言 正在显示唯一的评价 5.0 Best place to work Baker(离职员工)-North Miami-2025年2月8日 It's the best place to work without a degree. It's really hard ...
A customer purchased 12 different bottles of wine in a variety of types. He asked for a box. And Nesa gave him attitude. Then after he left, she made fun of the customer with neighboring cashier Mike, in front of at least a dozen customers within hearing distance. ...
Costco takes back anything and I sure as heck shouldn't have to explain myself for making a return. I'm so livid about my experience today it makes me not want to give Costco my business anymore. That was completely embarrassing as there were other customers behind me hearing what was ...
I recently made a hearing Aide appointment for my Dad. I decided to take him to Costco because I trust them. T made the appointment with the Costco on Normal in Escondido California. When my Dad and I arrived there, they couldn’t find our appointment. I am sure of the appointment ...
The Kirkland 9.0, just like every Kirkland aid before it, is a great offering. It is an ideal hearing aid for people with bog standard, run of the mill hearing loss that responds well to amplification. Having said that, the absence of a telecoil means that it is not an ideal solution ...
Awful customer service from an obviously irritated cashier near the exit area of downtown Montreal’s Costco. We weren’t even served by her, but got berated and yelled at before leaving. We were waiting for my elderly father near the food court area. He is hard of hearing and was retur...
Costco’s made some assertive moves into the business of selling and servicing hearing aids, offering an array of devices at reasonable prices. Free hearing tests are even conducted in-store at Costco Hearing Aid Centers. Costco not only carries its own store brand, but also carries...
We are hearing that Costco is already giving out the Covid vaccine in Alaska and New York City. There are likely other locations currently administering the vaccine, so please leave a comment if your location is one of them! In Washington state Costco has teamed up with Starbucks and Microsof...
Her rationale is that she saves more on hearing aid batteries than the membership cost. My own impression of Costco after a couple of visits was that there was little there that was worth my while. I’m a Superstore fan, but I’m not blind to its defects, but at least it’s a ...