Diced Mango 芒果杯 Costco Truefruit品牌的经典芒果杯大家应该都不陌生,但那款水果杯经常引发网友热议。 现在Costco上新24个装的即食芒果杯,100%的水果原汁,价格更划算,家里来朋友聚会的时候就派上用场了!还可以自制西米露芒果杯。 喜欢芒果的友友们快去试试吧~ Dried Hawthorn Slices 红枣桂圆山楂果肉 有多少山...
Popchips Potato Chips- Barbeque is my favorite but they only come in a variety pack. Paradise Green Premium Dried Mango Slices- Great source of vitamin C. Made Good Granola Minis- My kids don't love these but I think they are tasty. RX Bar Protein Bars- I've eaten so many of these ...
“芒果干(Juicy Mango)堪比菲律宾芒果干好嘛!而且人家卖的更便宜。” “一次就爱上,还在不停回购中~” 原汁原味的感觉,完全没有过多糖粉和“假甜”的感觉,而且没有其它芒果干的“注水肉感”。除了Soft&Juicy Mango,缺德舅还有Just Mango Slice...
Freezed Dried Mango Trader Joe's和Chile Spiced Pineapple Trader Joe's都是热门款,口感独特,很适合带回国送给喜欢尝试新鲜事物的好朋友!Dried Orange Slices Trader Joe's也是一款不错的选择,酸酸甜甜的橙子干,可以泡水做成橙子茶,也可以拿来做甜品,或者想直接干吃也是可以的! 糖果和巧克力类:说起伴手礼,糖果和...
They're so sweet and tangy, we are obsessed-- I even got my mom hooked on them too! I always add a few to our salads or we just eat a couple of slices as a snack. They're addicting! 9 - Organic Tomato Basil Sauce You always need to have a few jars of tasty tomato sauce ...
Freezed Dried Mango Trader Joe's (图源:BigGo,版权属于原作者) #推荐理由# 缺德舅的这款芒果冻干口感特别,和榴莲干很像,在小红书上也是经常被推荐的爆款伴手礼。 同系列还有几款其他种类的水果干,都很不错!草莓那款还可以拿来自制星巴克Pink drink噢~ ...
Costco Truefruit品牌的经典芒果杯大家应该都不陌生,但那款水果杯经常引发网友热议。 现在Costco上新24个装的即食芒果杯,100%的水果原汁,价格更划算,家里来朋友聚会的时候就派上用场了!还可以自制西米露芒果杯。 喜欢芒果的友友们快去试试吧~ Dried Hawthorn Slices ...