大块白肉 /口水鸡、烟熏鸡、鸡丝凉面/ 大块不带皮的白肉是最难吃的,相比健身者们吃的鸡胸肉,从COST...
Tates Bake Shop – Tate’s Gluten Free Cookies. These are great cookies. I also think Tate makes these under the Trader Joe’s label as well. Our Costco is sold out of these Tate’s Gluten Free Cookies, but you CAN find these under Trader Joe’s private label. Heavenly Chunks – I ...
The invention of chocolate chip cookies is attributed to chef Ruth Wakefield, who added bits of a Nestle chocolate bar to her cookie recipe. (Along with her husband Kenneth, she owned the Toll House Inn in Massachusetts.) Nestle sells the Toll House chocolate morsels in packages t...
Muscle pharm, cookies n cream was the brand and flavor. Anyway i just restocked a couple of days ago and i believe i have a bad batch or something. Bad taste, different color, and its not blending well at all. I havent changed anything in the way i prepare it. I made 4 different ...
Yasso Mint Chocolate Chip Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars (15 ct) on sale $6.99 –no limit Just $.47 per bar Totino’s Pepperoni Pizza Rolls (160 ct) on sale $6.39 –no limit Tyson Panko Breaded Chicken Breast Tenderloins (5 lbs) on sale $9.99 –no limit Outshine Fruit Bars Variety Pack ...
–Chocolate Filled Mint Cookies –Date Nut Cookies –Chocolate Chunk Cookies –Wedding Cookies –Lemon Shortbread Cookies Net weight is 60 oz (3.75 lbs). The Holiday Cookie Tray is normally priced at $17.99. There’s currently a $2 instant rebate which reduces the price to $15.99. ...
Byron Bay White Choco Mac Cookies 超级柔软质地的曲奇饼干,撒上大块的白巧克力和坚果,非常适合在办公室或学校和大家一起分享噢! NonnAnna Cantucci D'Abruzzo 意式曲奇饼 这一款意大利风味曲奇杏仁饼,经过两次烘培并加入丰富的杏仁,口感当属曲奇饼的佼佼者,搭配一杯意式咖啡就是一餐完美地下午茶!
mint 薄荷糖 cracker 饼干 茶tea (沏茶 make the tea) 话梅prune candied plum 锅巴rice crust 瓜子melon seed 冰棒(冰果) ice(frozen) sucker 冰淇凌 ice cream 防腐剂 preservative 圣代冰淇淋 sundae 巧克力豆 marble chocolate barley 布丁pudding 大家都学会了这些实用英语吗?记得按时复习哦!以后出国旅游时轻装上...