1、保健品:Costco售卖的鱼肝油、维生素价格比外面低很多,如果再碰上打折,更便宜得令人感动,这也是为啥华人老成箱成箱托运保健品回国的原因之一! 2、椰子油:2L大罐的Nutiva Coconut Oil在北美火到不行,既可内服又可外用的初榨纯天然椰子油,炒菜/涂面包/烤蛋糕/那叫一个耶香四溢啊。同时还能敷脸擦身体/滋润不刺...
if you do not have any satisfactory explanation, then we call on you to apologize publicly for your false statements and you are also to retract publicly the false statements you have made or spoken against coconut oil 实际上,10亿以上的椰子油消费者,活得非常健康,你说它有毒,完全是错误的。 T...
I have been trying to send e-mail to Costco for the last 2 days and cannot find a proper e-mail address for customer service, can someone send me the proper address for them In Canada. Reply Carol Pastorino says: March 15, 2013 at 9:22 pm You have a HUGE HUGE problem in your...
I completely lost it when I first saw this at Costco. Hemp seeds are arguably the best source of plant-based protein on earth, plus they has the perfect ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids at 4:1. Three tablespoons gives you 11 grams of protein. Shelled hemp seeds are very soft...
Members and non-members may use Costco Cash Cards to shop at any Costco location in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico, online at Costco.com and Costco.ca. Costco Cash Card balances may be used toward membership or merchandise… Reply LMC According to Costco’s website, non-members ...
We were paying almost 16 per pound (canada) for organic direct from pickers non farmed (ie grown in forest naturally) frog friendly coffee. It was good and the ethics felt great but that’s a lot. Now have been buying nabob espresso rainforest alliance certified for about 7-8 a pound....
2、椰子油:2L大罐的Nutiva Coconut Oil在北美火到不行,既可内服又可外用的初榨纯天然椰子油,炒菜/涂面包/烤蛋糕/那叫一个耶香四溢啊。同时还能敷脸擦身体/滋润不刺激/吸收快,涂完有种穿梭巴厘岛的feel。 3、牛油果油:听上去是不是很高级?Nature’s Science AVOCADO OIL,不仅油烟点很高(375到500度),适合高...