If you are looking for Costa Rica’s best travel resources you are at the right place. We have selected the best Costa Rica hotels and resorts for you to choose from. You can also take a look at our different Costa Rica vacations packages and one day tours companies we can recommend. T...
The city of San Jose is the site of theUniversity of Costa Rica (founded in 1940), the oldest but the most diverse of San Jose’s four public universities. Starting that decade Costa Rica’s stability and democratic reputation attracts foreign students to those universities and to the multiple...
Is Costa Rica Safe? When considering travel abroad, especially for a vacation, it's perfectly normal that you'd want to know about safety in the country you're visiting. We get it and understand completely. That's why we've created this page to give you an honest and upfront appraisal...
Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo offers boundless adventure, fine dining, spa treatments and more overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Travelers also needed to fill out an online health form, called the Health Pass. By November 1, 2020, there was no longer any travel ban. Residents from all countries and all US states could enter Costa Rica by air or sea (land borders remained closes). Insurance and the Health Pass ...
Costa Rica healthcare, medical tourism, hospitals, clinics, elective surgery, with Clinica Biblica and Cima the two most popular private hospitals
Canada (French) Chile (Spanish) China/Hong Kong SAR (English) China/Mainland (Chinese) China/Mainland (English) Colombia (Spanish) Costa Rica (English) Czech Republic (English) Denmark (English) Finland (English) France (French) Germany (German) ...
Domestic flights reduce the travel time to some tourist destinations and gives you the opportunity of spending more time enjoying the attractions of the country. From San José Costa Rica, driving to Quepos to experience the wildlife of Manuel Antonio National Park will take 3 hours approximately,...
When you travel in Costa Rica, you’ll know you’ve found paradise, and so have an incredible variety of plants and animals. In fact, even...
Pro:Costa Rica abolished their military in 1948 and pledged that budget to education and healthcare. It is overall a peace-loving nation and is often referred to as the “Switzerland of Central America.” I feel safer here than I do back in the U.S. Family comes first and they work to...